@zontex After a longer charging my M5stick works, but it is not possible to switch it into USB or WLAN mode, so I may upload code.
Posts made by Efried
RE: M5 stick C wont turn on am i missing something?
RE: 1-wire and SD-Card
@zontex Haha you say UIFlow, there is no 1-wire support!
To my knowledge the "stack" is not really stackable because of a design flaw, using pins for addressing modules, and not a bus! -
RE: Unable to install Windows ATOM (CP210x) drivers
For the Stick C (orange) the docs say it needs no driver, still the port does not show up. It would be great having more guidance on that for all the M5 products.
Brocken Stick
The M5Stack is recognized by UIFlow or Thonny, but the M5Stick not, so it is defective?
RE: How to connect DS18B20 - Which pins are available?
After years it still birps, but does not work.
Any new hints? -
New but unusable
Got a fresh Stick but no link to a manual to show how to switch into USB mode.
Only test mode and scrolling through installed apps is possible.
thanks -
RE: M5 How-to (general tips and guide)
@ajb2k3 unfortunately the stick ahs no possibility to be switched into USB mode
RE: Avoid M5Stack - it is a waste of time
@thrasher I tried to delete the PM class before creating the GPS class but did nor help- still no gps values - is it feasible to have a software solution, may be not using high leven UIflow mycropython function.
Guidance on operatinal mode
Please add Guidance about the modes in v6 of uiflow on the device:
- usb mode does not have automatic start of uploaded .py
- app mode allows start of a preloaded file
- internet mode may be outphased given the server problems
Even if the uploaded file does not start, it is correctliy uploaded?
RE: How to save data to SD-card
Would you mind adding some indication about control characters there, like "\r\n"
Please recognize that you promised fast prototyping using the M5Stack but now it is clear that:- it is cumbersome, because the high level uiflow functions are not documented, and no working examples in micropython given to validate the high level functions
- the combination of modules was not testet (ok a lot of variants)
- the physical design has some flaws - the screen may brake when assembling, disassembling needs force - may be you may invent a receptacle with unlocking lever
Do you have a standard before selling modules for quality control, and a test plan?
How to save data to SD-card
The UI flow is nice but you end nothing written to the file, it is only created - please provide an example. may be it needs some control characters
thanks -
RE: Avoid M5Stack - it is a waste of time
@ajb2k3 I'm to beginner in GPS
No the GPS module does not return a single value, when the PM module is present! May be they share pins. -
RE: Avoid M5Stack - it is a waste of time
as expected GPS and PM module do not work together!
GPS does only work without PM.
since months the wait() function is not repaired
Still no running GSM module.
This is a serious lack of quality! -
RE: Avoid M5Stack - it is a waste of time
Thanks for the anwers. Frustration is high now after using the M5Stack for more than a year employing micropython. It seems that this is a good concept but very limited support and small sample code base for micropython compared to other languages. You have to guess the right usage of functions, some are changing underway (urequest). Fortunately the browser based upload had to be abandonned because of a the complex and unreliable system architecture. But it is not acceptable that new firmware versions are published where code upload is broken. Just hold that back.
And please publish examples using high level commands for every module:
I mastered now the PM module and the GPS module by trial and error , next I will try them together.
but the cellular module is either garbage or was not tested to be used with GPRS data transfer. Using all three modules together is another challenge, may be this will not work.
Since the broken screen and the bricked M5stack are differente devices I could exchange, given some support.
thanks -
Avoid M5Stack - it is a waste of time
You get absolutely no documentation with the modules.
The firmware updates are erroneous and you may brick the M5stack when returning to a previous version, The IDE dows not know the latest version
The file upload does not work most of the time , only RUN works, but this is lost after disconnecting
when asembling the LCD cracks easily -
Snap in fixture?
I can't find such in the webshop.
thanks -
Do you have an example for me sporting the SIM800L GRPS module to be able to use urequest via WAN?
many thanks in advance -
Nothing spectacular
either trials via module or the example do not work
what is the order to initiate GPRS transmition - upload to a server?
This second attempt throws name 'pyb' isn't defined
from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
from uiflow import *
import modulesetScreenColor(0x222222)
Driver for SIM800L module (using AT commands)
MIT License; Copyright (c) 2017 Jeffrey N. Magee
import math
kludge required because "ignore" parameter to decode not implemented
def convert_to_string(buf):
tt = buf.decode('utf-8').strip()
return tt
except UnicodeError:
tmp = bytearray(buf)
for i in range(len(tmp)):
if tmp[i]>127:
tmp[i] = ord('#')
return bytes(tmp).decode('utf-8').strip()class SIM800LError(Exception):
passdef check_result(errmsg,expected,res):
if not res:
res = 'None'
if not expected == res and not res == 'None':
raise SIM800LError('SIM800L Error {} {}'.format(errmsg,res))class SIM800L:
def __init__(self,uartno): # pos =1 or 2 depending on skin position self._uart = pyb.UART(uartno, 9600, read_buf_len=2048) self.incoming_action = None self.no_carrier_action = None self.clip_action = None self._clip = None self.msg_action = None self._msgid = 0 self.savbuf = None self.credit = '' self.credit_action = None def callback_incoming(self,action): self.incoming_action = action def callback_no_carrier(self,action): self.no_carrier_action = action def callback_clip(self,action): self.clip_action = action def callback_credit_action(self,action): self.credit_action = action def get_clip(self): return self._clip def callback_msg(self,action): self.msg_action = action def get_msgid(self): return self._msgid def command(self, cmdstr, lines=1, waitfor=500, msgtext=None): #flush input #print(cmdstr) while self._uart.any(): self._uart.readchar() self._uart.write(cmdstr) if msgtext: self._uart.write(msgtext) # if waitfor>1000: # pyb.delay(waitfor-1000) buf=self._uart.readline() #discard linefeed etc #print(buf) buf=self._uart.readline() #print(buf) if not buf: return None result = convert_to_string(buf) if lines>1: self.savbuf = '' for i in range(lines-1): buf=self._uart.readline() if not buf: return result #print(buf) buf = convert_to_string(buf) if not buf == '' and not buf == 'OK': self.savbuf += buf+'\n' return result def setup(self): self.command('ATE0\n') # command echo off self.command('AT+CRSL=99\n') # ringer level self.command('AT+CMIC=0,10\n') # microphone gain self.command('AT+CLIP=1\n') # caller line identification self.command('AT+CMGF=1\n') # plain text SMS self.command('AT+CALS=3,0\n') # set ringtone self.command('AT+CLTS=1\n') # enabke get local timestamp mode self.command('AT+CSCLK=0\n') # disable automatic sleep def wakechars(self): self._uart.write('AT\n') # will be ignored # pyb.delay(100) def sleep(self,n): self.command('AT+CSCLK={}\n'.format(n)) def sms_alert(self): self.command('AT+CALS=1,1\n') # set ringtone # pyb.delay(3000) self.command('AT+CALS=3,0\n') # set ringtone def call(self,numstr): self.command('ATD{};\n'.format(numstr)) def hangup(self): self.command('ATH\n') def answer(self): self.command('ATA\n') def set_volume(self,vol): if (vol>=0 and vol<=100): self.command('AT+CLVL={}\n'.format(vol)) def signal_strength(self): result = self.command('AT+CSQ\n',3) if result: params=result.split(',') if not params[0] == '': params2 = params[0].split(':') if params2[0]=='+CSQ': x = int(params2[1]) if not x == 99: return(math.floor(x/6+0.5)) return 0 def battery_charge(self): result = self.command('AT+CBC\n',3,1500) if result: params=result.split(',') if not params[0] == '': params2 = params[0].split(':') if params2[0]=='+CBC': return int(params[1]) return 0 def network_name(self): result = self.command('AT+COPS?\n',3) if result: params=result.split(',') if not params[0] == '': params2 = params[0].split(':') if params2[0]=='+COPS': if len(params)>2: names = params[2].split('"') if len(names)>1: return names[1] return '' def read_sms(self,id): result = self.command('AT+CMGR={}\n'.format(id),99) if result: params=result.split(',') if not params[0] == '': params2 = params[0].split(':') if params2[0]=='+CMGR': number = params[1].replace('"',' ').strip() date = params[3].replace('"',' ').strip() time = params[4].replace('"',' ').strip() return [number,date,time,self.savbuf] return None def send_sms(self,destno,msgtext): result = self.command('AT+CMGS="{}"\n'.format(destno),99,5000,msgtext+'\x1A') if result and result=='>' and self.savbuf: params = self.savbuf.split(':') if params[0]=='+CUSD' or params[0] == '+CMGS': return 'OK' return 'ERROR' def check_credit(self): self.command('AT+CUSD=1,"*100#"\n') def get_credit(self): return self.credit def delete_sms(self,id): self.command('AT+CMGD={}\n'.format(id),1) def date_time(self): result = self.command('AT+CCLK?\n',3) if result: if result[0:5] == "+CCLK": return result.split('"')[1] return '' def check_incoming(self): if self._uart.any(): buf=self._uart.readline() # print(buf) buf = convert_to_string(buf) params=buf.split(',') if params[0] == "RING": if self.incoming_action: self.incoming_action() elif params[0][0:5] == "+CLIP": params2 = params[0].split('"') self._clip = params2[1] if self.clip_action: self.clip_action() elif params[0][0:5] == "+CMTI": self._msgid = int(params[1]) if self.msg_action: self.msg_action() elif params[0][0:5] == "+CUSD": if len(params)>1: st = params[1].find('#') en = params[1].find('.',st) en = params[1].find('.',en+1) if st>0 and en>0: self.credit = '£'+params[1][st+1:en] if self.credit_action: self.credit_action() elif params[0] == "NO CARRIER": self.no_carrier_action() # http get command using gprs def http_get(self,url,apn="giffgaff.com"): resp = None rstate = 0 proto, dummy, surl = url.split("/", 2) is_ssl = 0 if proto == "http:": is_ssl = 0 elif proto == "https:": is_ssl == 1 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported protocol: " + proto) try: # open bearer context res = self.command('AT+SAPBR=3,1,"Contype","GPRS"\n') check_result("SAPBR 1: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+SAPBR=3,1,"APN","{}"\n'.format(apn)) check_result("SAPBR 2: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+SAPBR=1,1\n',1,2000) check_result("SAPBR 3: ",'OK',res) # now do http request res = self.command('AT+HTTPINIT\n',1) check_result("HTTPINIT: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+HTTPPARA="CID",1\n') check_result("HTTPPARA 1: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+HTTPPARA="URL","{}"\n'.format(surl)) check_result("HTTPPARA 2: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+HTTPSSL={}\n'.format(is_ssl)) check_result("HTTPSSL: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+HTTPACTION=0\n') check_result("HTTPACTION: ",'OK',res) for i in range(20): #limit wait to max 20 x readline timeout buf = self._uart.readline() if buf and not buf==b'\r\n': buf = convert_to_string(buf) #print(buf) prefix,retcode,bytes = buf.split(',') rstate = int(retcode) nbytes = int(bytes) break res = self.command('AT+HTTPREAD\n',1) buf = self._uart.read(nbytes) check_result("HTTPACTION: ",'+HTTPREAD: {}'.format(nbytes),res) if buf[-4:] == b'OK\r\n': # remove final OK if it was read buf = buf[:-4] resp = Response(buf) except SIM800LError as err: print(str(err)) self.command('AT+HTTPTERM\n',1) # terminate HTTP task self.command('AT+SAPBR=0,1\n',1) # close Bearer context return resp def test(self): r = self.http_get('http://exploreembedded.com/wiki/images/1/15/Hello.txt') print(r.text)
class Response:
def __init__(self, buf, status = 200): self.encoding = "utf-8" self._cached = buf self.status = status def close(self): self._cached = None @property def content(self): return self._cached @property def text(self): return str(self.content, self.encoding) def json(self): import ujson return ujson.loads(self.content)
phone = SIM800L(1)