I will try the "ignore empty lines" method.
It feels random because of .. first try line 162, second try line 198, third try line 67 and finally it´s working without an issue .. and I don´t change anything in the meantime.
I will try the "ignore empty lines" method.
It feels random because of .. first try line 162, second try line 198, third try line 67 and finally it´s working without an issue .. and I don´t change anything in the meantime.
I´m using the version 2.0.3 for UI Flow and the firmware on my Atom S3 Lite. I´ve now an little bit complex part of script designed with the graphical interface. If I now send this to my Atom I get random errors for syntax. But if I send the same code several times I get random line references and also running the code without issues.
How can I now make sure, that my code is correct and starts every time? Which lines of code are mentioned because sometimes the reference is an empty line of code.
One more try .. I connected only the PWM pin 5 from the Atom with the PWM kit and powered the Atom via USB with no output. But from the layout it should be enough to have only the PWM signal?
And one more thing. If I power the Atom S3 via an USB cable it´s working. Can this be an powering issue?
If sombody want´s to test it .. https://uiflow2.m5stack.com/?pkey=c091fb79f13c4a1f956c407157c7e8fe .. Atom S3 Lite on PWM kit
Hi .. if I run my current code on my M5Dial there is an issue. I got an "invalid syntax" but in line 41 is nearly nothing incorrect.
41: mqttMsg = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 41
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
If I change the order of the lines, I get the same issue but for a different line and the old one is still there before the new one.
41: TempKlima = None
I think there is nothing wrong with these lines and I´m looking at the wrong place of my code.
I tried now several devices and something is special with this combination. Sometimes it´s working for several seconds and then there seems to be a power cycle and it´s starting again. But Atom S3 Lite + PWM Kit never works well for a while. Super frustrating .. nobody else with this behavior?
Just to make clear .. the following code is only working with the Atome S3 and NOT with the Atom S3 Lite. Both in combination with the PWM Kit.
import os, sys, io
import M5
from M5 import *
from hardware import *
pwm5 = None
def setup():
global pwm5
pwm5 = PWM(Pin(5), freq=20000, duty=512)
def loop():
global pwm5
if __ name__ == '__ main__':
while True:
except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
from utility import print_error_msg
except ImportError:
print("please update to latest firmware")
Hi there, I have an Atom Lite shipped with the PWM Kit and this is working well for a while. I use the Pin 22 for controlling the output and I use the UIFlow to program the device. Because of the missing support of BLE with UIFlow and the missing support for UIFlow2, I want to start the same thing with an Atom S3 Lite. It´s marked as compatible and I use the Pin 5 for controlling the output. BUT I can just use an single step flow to just init PWM with 50% duty cycle and it´s just flickering for short and nothing more.
What did I wrong?
If I use the same Atom S3 Lite with this software to directly control an FAN with PWM input, everything worked well.
Btw .. I tested this on two different Atom S3 Lite and two different PWM Kit with the same behavior. But with an Atom S3 and the same flow, it worked fine.
Is there any information until when UI Flow 2 is supporting the Atom Lite?
Surprise ... in the old UI flow 1 it is exactly as I had hoped. You add the unit and can then build something directly with it. This shows that some new components are better supported in the old UI flow than in the new UI flow 2.
It's okay for me and my current requirements, but it doesn't give me a good feeling. Which platform should I rely on now if everything is poorly documented and randomly supported?
Hi .. I have a Scale and QR part to connect via I2C with an Atom S3 or Core2 and I will use UI flow 2 for this but they are both not in the list and I don´t found any documentation for I2C for UI flow 2. Is there somebody who can help me with this?
Hallo liebe Community. Gibt es hier jemanden, der gegen Bezahlung, bei einem Projekt unterstützen kann? Ich möchte mit einem AtomS3 und AtomS3Lite eine Verbindung zu einem Smartphone aufbauen, auf dem eine PWA läuft. Am Liebsten mit UIFlow, aber gern auch mit Arduino.
Per MQTT läuft alles soweit gut, also konzeptionell bin ich bereit. Allerdings sollen ein paar Parameter per BLE an das Atom gesendet werden, die es sich dann per NVS speichert. Zudem sollen per BLE Informationen ans Telefon gesendet werden von einem ADC Wert beispielsweise und vom Phone aus soll ein PWM Wert gesetzt werden.
Also alles ganz leicht, aber ich benötige Starthilfe.
I find too little documentation to use the BLE of the AtomS3 or AtomS3Lite. With UIFlow2 or Arduino I reach limits in each case. Is there somewhere a tutorial how to establish a bidirectional communication via BLE between phone and ESP32S3. Examples I have found are partly wrong in content, but I have not found a really good one.
I need some help to geht BLE working on my Atom S3 Lite via the UI Flow 2.
But I´m struggling with the rest of the communication. How can I send information to the App?
Is this BLE good for communication between device and app? Or more for communication between devices?
I hate it .. I`m using UI flow for a long time and maybe no more in the future for reliable developments. Why?
I develop a piece of software and then there is an update and for example like with the update from tody JSON is handled in a complete new (not better) way. The currently developed code isn´t woking any more (can not deployed to the devices). Now I need to change all the parts in the software where JSON is handled. I can select a specific firmware in the burner BUT not in the UI flow side. There is only a switch v1.4.5, v1 latest and v2 latest.
This is not what I would expect from an reliable development environment, where I have an configuration/version/release management.
@mchott the only thing right now .. after whatever .. it appears in the menu in UIflow 2 .. but I don´t have any idea what this caused
@rasbr no .. I tried many things and have no solution
"you don’t need to switch to Micropython as UIFlow is built on Micropython" .. yes I know but it´s different of using the blockly UI or just write lines of code. Yes both is possible with UIflow but if I decide for more functionallity and using Micropython in UIflow there is no real way back. In my opinion this is a way between. Blockly UIflow > Micropython UIflow > Arduino IDE > ...
@sirspot Yes it´s possible to go back to the latest UiFlow 1
I just wanted to test what is possible with UiFlow 2. This tiny project has it´s limitations with UiFlow 1 and before I switch to developing with Arduino or Micropython or whatever I just wanted to try UiFlow 2 because it´s now available.
I have an system containing multiple Atom Lite connected via EspNow with an central "Core2". They are not connected to the internet and the Atom Lite devices are built in unreachable "corners".
Is it possible, that I save new - via UIflow generated - programs on the SD card, insert this card into the Core2 and distribute these files to the Atom devices for an update?
After downloading the new firmware UI Flow2 for my Core2 and the first burn, I was requested to pair the device with my account and there was an error. The burning was at the end successful as "private" without an account. Now I can not add this device to my account and as it is set to private (what I can not change) I can not use the device with an public key.
Reburning or re download the firmware, erease and so on .. I did all things without success.