I completed the schema with VUSB_IN, VSYS and OR fonction with D9,D12
Embedded software and electronics engineer
I completed the schema with VUSB_IN, VSYS and OR fonction with D9,D12
On mine, the maxi level indicator of charge is 86% corresponding to 4.18V
I measured USB current with the program "Factory test" and a serial USB device named "UT25".
The value is 131 mA, without interraction.
I also wrote personal comments about all GPIOs (in french, my native language):
All GPIOs are represented (except non-existent ones : 20, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31)
Indeed GPIO36 is only input.
So I looked for another GPIO used only as input to reverse the 2 GPIO on the pcb.
I found the GPIO27 which tells ESP32 that the IT8951 is ready for a SPI dialogue
IT_SPI_HRDY (schema)
#define M5EPD_BUSY_PIN 27 (M5EPD.h)
m5epd_err_t M5EPD_Driver::begin(int8_t sck, int8_t mosi, int8_t miso, int8_t cs, int8_t busy, int8_t rst)
_pin_busy = busy;
pinMode(_pin_busy, INPUT);
On my pcb, the resistance R87 is absent (unwelded)
All you have to do is reverse the 5 and 16 tabs on the ESP32.
I scraped the varnish and then scanned the pcb.
You have to cut the 2 tracks between the 2 pins of the esp32 and the 2 vias.
then solder 2 thin wires.
Use :
void GT911::updateB() // as update but modify by Bricox ...
r814E.reads = read(0x814E); // "read struct" AND these 5 explicite bits fields
if(r814E.touchPts != 0)
_is_finger_up = false;
_num = r814E.touchPts; // "_num" could be definitively replaced by "r814E.touchPts"
uint8_t data[num * 8];
read(0x8150, data, _num * 8); // read block of all fingers , up to 5*8 bytes
for(int j = 0; j < _num; j++) // for each finger
uint8_t *buf = data + j * 8;// address base of each finger
Sorry, comments that were aligned, in my notepad++ by multiple Tabs, are no longer aligned in the snippets viewer
Use :
void GT911::updateB() // as update but modify by Bricox ...
r814E.reads = read(0x814E); // "read struct" AND these 5 explicite bits fields
if(r814E.touchPts != 0)
_is_finger_up = false;
_num = r814E.touchPts; // "_num" could be definitively replaced by "r814E.touchPts"
uint8_t data[num * 8];
read(0x8150, data, _num * 8); // read block of all fingers , up to 5*8 bytes
for(int j = 0; j < _num; j++) // for each finger
uint8_t *buf = data + j * 8;// address base of each finger
Sorry, comments that were aligned, in my notepad++ by multiple Tabs, are no longer aligned in the snippets viewer
typedef struct reg814E_s { //
union { // same location of 2 fields of 1 byte
uint8_t reads; // this byte
struct { // field bits of this byte
uint8_t touchPts : 4; // b0 to b3 : number of touch points
uint8_t haveKey : 1; // b4 : HaveKey
uint8_t proxi : 1; // b5 : Proximity Valid
uint8_t largeDet : 1; // b6 : large detect
uint8_t status : 1; // b7 : buffer status
} __attribute__((packed)) reg814E_t; // minimize memory alignment
or simpler writing
typedef struct {
union { // same location of 2 fields of 1 byte
uint8_t reads; // this byte
struct { // field bits of this byte, starting with low weight
touchPts : 4, // b0 to b3 : number of touch points
haveKey : 1, // b4 : HaveKey
proxi : 1, // b5 : Proximity Valid
largeDet : 1, // b6 : large detect
status : 1; // b7 : buffer status
} reg814E_t;
bool _is_finger_up = false;
uint8_t _num = 0;
uint8_t _rotate = ROTATE_0;
tp_finger_t _fingers[2];
reg814E_t r814E;
uint8_t _iic_addr = 0x14;
uint8_t _pin_int = -1;
bool _sleeping = false;
Hello @felmue,
While I was commenting on the source code, I found un bug in the GT911 driver :
can be indexed up to 5
In declaration, _fingers[]
can be indexed up to 2
In addition, it would be elegant to use bit fields for describing registers that have specific functions.
An example :
Hello @felmue
Find 1 output, to put low the INT signal of GT911, have another way possible ....
In the ESP pdf, I found this :
For reuse these pins, an article : https://www.instructables.com/ESP8266-Using-GPIO0-GPIO2-as-inputs/
I think that, in the M5paper, we can use GPIO0 as output.
What you think about ?
a little bit of electronics (because no present in official doc) :
The PFL with C1, C2, C3, C4 R1 and C5:
Remark : pin 7&8 are "shield"
Hello guys .... @felmue, @fonix232, @tatar-andrei... and other enthusiasts ....
I have others links for the GT911 driver in cpp
With interrupt : https://github.com/nik-sharky/arduino-goodix/blob/master/Goodix.cpp
No interrupt but handles 5 fingers : https://github.com/caiannello/ER-TFTM0784-1/blob/master/src/touch.cpp
We’ll have to adapt these source codes.
Sorry, i'm not a specialist for interrupts of Arduino framework....I am more familiar with the HAL framework of the STM32.
Thank you for these sustained sharing
To fully understand the GT911 controller, download these 2 pdf
Several developments are desirable :
List of 21 other GT911 drivers :
including one in cpp:
My apologies, I don’t know how I made that big mistake ... ;>)
You’re right, it’s definitely a native USB.
The red symbol is, for me, that printfoot USB-C connector is on the pcb but not welded.
This part of the schema is not completely greyed out as J10 because the 2 resistors R1 and R60 are welded.
The Google search with this image did not succeed.
You’d have to look in the symbol library of the design software, I think it’s Altium...
USB-TYPEC/NC is not a real USB port because no bridge.
The connector is USB-C but the line is UART only.
In my professional activity, I use the STM32L476.
Its average power consumption is 15-20mA at 80 MHz.
I use "Stop 2" mode to reduce consumption => 2.3µA (5µs wake-up with many sources).
In addition, it has its own RTC with calendar and the ADCs are most linear than ESP32.