@pandian-nano Thanks .. with the M039-V11 is there a command in UIflow to Step a certain number of pulses ? As in the image I posted. I only need to use one axis (i.e only controlling one stepper motor)
Latest posts made by AshimotoK0
RE: Stepmotor Driver Module v1.1 (HR8825) M5STACK SKU: M039-V11 Question
Stepmotor Driver Module v1.1 (HR8825) M5STACK SKU: M039-V11 Question
Hi with Stepmotor Driver Module v1.1 I need to drive my stepper with the command in UI flow that's step/direction number /of steps but I can't find this when I load this module .
This is like what I required but this command is from another module.

RE: M5Station lack of support .. or am I looking in the wrong place !
@felmue ..Thanks for that a colleague sussed that out just before I read your reply but many thanks as you were dead right... as all up and running now. For anyone reading this reply the illumination of the centre main on/off button is LED #4 I didn't realize that the LED's are multi colour until I studied the circuit diagram/schematic ...cool !
RE: M5Station lack of support .. or am I looking in the wrong place !
@ajb2k3 Thanks I am using UIFlow
M5Station lack of support .. or am I looking in the wrong place !
Just started using M5Stack last Thursday but pretty impressed I now have a monitoring setup recording 6 analogue add-on channels and successfully reading the data in Qubitro. But is the M5StationBAT a new product as I can find very little on it on the internet specific to that unit and a there seems a scant lack of documentation. For instance having achieved what I basically needed for my project, I am now completely stuck with simple basic tasks ... for example how do you drive the 7 LED's on this unit?
Setting gain value on ADS1100 I2C module in UIFlow
Hello, Newbie to M5Stack and on a steep learning curve!
Hoping to Read 6 Analogue sensor values using M5Stack I2C Hub 1 to 6 Expansion Unit and 6 Off ADS1100 I2C ADC modules.
The ADC modules mention being able to set the gain (and this is detailed in the ADS1100 Burr-Brown/TI datasheet).
Does anyone know if there a block in UIFlow to set this please or with this need to be done in Python code?