Using M5 stack core with Arduino .How do I get regional fonts? I can't find the UK pound sign £
Latest posts made by AndyT
M5 stack :How do I get regional fonts?
RE: M5ez, a complete interface builder system for the M5Stack as an Arduino library. Extremely easy to use.
How do i get the characters for my region such as the pound sign £ ?
RE: M5Stack Gauges for Boats
Sorry can't help your question. But would like to thank you for your code. Which i have adapted to display temperatures.
RE: Drawing random PNG images from SD problem
Cheers Felix,
No it did not compile without errors before. But adding .c.str() solved it .
Thank you again -
Drawing random PNG images from SD problem
How do i get this code to work
this works :
M5.Lcd.drawPngFile(SD,"/Image8.PNG", 0, 0); // display splash screen
M5.Lcd.drawPngFile(SD,PngName, 0, 0); // display splash screen
does not in code below.
I want to generate a random slide showint Arand=random(11); String PngName="/Image"+ String (Arand)+".PNG"; Serial.println (PngName); M5.Lcd.drawPngFile(SD,(PngName), 0, 0); // display splash screen
RE: Display on during deep sleep?
@andyt I now have the M5Stack black top and a grey top. The ulp program works well to keep the Black top version backlight running at varying levels of brightness. But if i set the PWM to less than 60 on the grey top version. The back light switches off completely after 15 seconds of sleep. which limits the available brightness levels between 60 and 255. which makes the brightness change hardly noticeable Not sure what is going on with the differences between the two M5stacks?
RE: Display on during deep sleep?
@felmue Thank you again for the prompt replay. Thank you for the info. I drew a blank at the link you provide as well . Also a good find regarding the pin assignments of the hard coded SDA and SDL for channels 0,1. Did find this link for ulp.h using I_i2C_ READ I_I2C_WRITE etc. But could not get the ZIPed Library to install into my Arduino IDE to try it out.
Maybe start a new thread soon on this as i am getting off the original topic here now that your ULP code above fixed the display going off while sleeping. Just for the record now getting 24hrs off two 700mh add on battery modules at well bright 200 brightness level while the 5Stack is sleeping . -
RE: analogRead on M5Atom
Are you usiing a gpio that does not have a ADC?
Ah yes GPIO19 is not an ADC pin.
here is a picture of the pins of the M5Stack
PINS 35 or 36 are the ADC's/
RE: Display on during deep sleep?
@felmue Seems my Arduino IDE ulp.h does not have a macro I_i2c_RD. And i can't find a way to assemble the raw assembly instruction set i2C_RD. Am i missing something? As i want to take advantage of the the assembly instructions and also the latest set of Macros. Just spent a day going around the internet and came up with nothing. Trying to write ULP code to wake the M5stack when the battery % changes. Sorry again to trouble you.
RE: Display on during deep sleep?
@felmue Yes!! Thank you. You are a Genius. Saved me hours. I get it !. It's working in my code.