M5StickC Plus2 not booting
HI all,
I'm really new to all this so probably done something wrong myself so looking for some help.
After flashing some code from platformIO within VSCode that i knew worked before my unit has gone dead.. It seems to successfully receive code from PlatformIO and from M5Burner which i've tried to re-upload the factory test firmware.
If i hold the power button for 6 seconds the internal green LED stays on whilst i'm holding the button but the screen doesn't come on at all.
When i connect to the serial monitor from M5Burner and reboot the Stick this is what i get
configsip: 271414342, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400806ac
M5StickCPlus initializing...OK
find 34 addr faildDoes anyone know if its recoverable or if its now dead?
Thanks in advance.
@psymonbee ESP32s have a secure BootLoader burnt into ROM and is un-brickable!
Your unit is crashing on boot, which happens when the user program is faulty. It may be as simple as a test program with no delay, jamming up the CPU, or a program that uses all the memory of makes calls out of bounds.
The Bosch BNO085 that I have temporarily crashed all my ESP32s, which took an hour each to clear up! It is now in 'quarantine' \o/
I use Arduino IDE because it is easy. Period. Full stop.
I can see if it is connected or flickering in and out of connection.
Use 'erase all flash before uploading' and upload a simple test like this.bool ticktock; //declare ticktock as a boolean flag void setup() { //runs once on start up Serial.begin(115200); //open the serial port for USB cable delay(500); } void loop() { //runs in circles! ticktock = !ticktock; //every pass through reverse the flag if (ticktock) { //test current value of the ticktock flag Serial.println("tick"); } else { //prints one or the other to the USB port Serial.println("tock"); } delay(1000); //wait for a second and run again! }
--With no other libraries. There will be no video!--
Get this working and build up from there.
-Good Luck! -
I’m not sure if the situation is the same? The following is for reference
https://lab.sasapea.mydns.jp/2019/07/11/m5stickc-start-adapter/ -
can you do ERASE from M5Burner?
Can you load any basic Arduino code for M5StickCPlus2 from examples?
When you do M5Burner firmware is it for Plus2 stickC - check if by chance it is not Plus version or StickC.