M5core 12 channel Server Module not work.
Hi Gents,
i have a Problem with my Servo module. I buy the M5Core 12 channel Servo modul, and connect my servo on Port 0 from the Modul, but the Servo not work.
I have a running example for the Arduino, which works well with the Servo. I think the problem is my logic to move the code from Arduino Uno to M5Core 12 Channel Servo modul.
That is working with Arduino Uno:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); mySerial.begin(115200); Serial.println("start"); } void servo(char ServoId, char Mode, char Degrees, char Speed) { // Build checksum; int sum = ServoId + Mode + Degrees + Speed; char zero = 0; while (sum > 255) { sum -= 255; } //Head (Preamble) mySerial.write(0xFA); // Byte 1: Preamble; mySerial.write(0xAF); // Byte 2: Preamble; //Data mySerial.write(ServoId); // Byte 3: ServoID (See label of servo) mySerial.write(Mode); // Byte 4: Command; for “go to command” we have = 0x01; we will try to find some other commands shortly mySerial.write(Degrees); // Byte 5: position = 120 + desired position in degrees; mySerial.write(Speed); // Byte 6: duration = duration in ms / 20 mySerial.write(zero); // Byte 7: 0x00 (? we don’t know what this is yet) mySerial.write(zero); // Byte 8: 0x01 (? we don’t know what this is yet) //Check & End mySerial.write(sum); // checksum = sum(byte 3 through 8) mod 256 mySerial.write(0xED); // closure = 0xED (from “END”?) } void loop() { servo(16, 1, 45, 40); delay(2000); servo(16, 1, 0, 10); delay(2000); }
And here i try move my code to M5Stack with 12 channel Servo Modul, which are not work on Port 0. Have any a idea ?
#include <Arduino.h> #include <M5Stack.h> #include <Wire.h> #define SERVO_ADDR 0x53 void setup() { M5.begin(true, false, true); M5.Power.begin(); M5.Lcd.setTextFont(4); M5.Lcd.setCursor(70, 100); M5.Lcd.print("Servo Example"); Wire.begin(21, 22, 115200); } void servo(char ServoId, char Mode, char Degrees, char Speed) { Wire.beginTransmission(SERVO_ADDR); Wire.write(0x00); // Build checksum; int sum = ServoId + Mode + Degrees + Speed; char zero = 0; while (sum > 255) { sum -= 255; } //Head (Preamble) Wire.write(0xFA); // Byte 1: Preamble; Wire.write(0xAF); // Byte 2: Preamble; Wire.write(ServoId); // Byte 3: ServoID (See label of servo) Wire.write(Mode); // Byte 4: Command; for “go to command” we have = 0x01; we will try to find some other commands shortly Wire.write(Degrees); // Byte 5: position = 120 + desired position in degrees; Wire.write(Speed); // Byte 6: duration = duration in ms / 20 Wire.write(zero); // Byte 7: 0x00 (? we don’t know what this is yet) Wire.write(zero); // Byte 8: 0x01 (? we don’t know what this is yet) Wire.write(sum); // checksum = sum(byte 3 through 8) mod 256 Wire.write(0xED); // closure = 0xED (from “END”?) Wire.endTransmission(); } void loop() { servo(16, 1, 45, 40); delay(2000); servo(16, 1, 0, 10); delay(2000); }
Can anyone help me, please... ?