M5Stack Gray & Batteries...
Bought M5Stack Gray. Works fine.
Wanted more battery so bought Battery 700ma module. Works fine.Wanted Grove B & C ports so bought Base26. Kind of big...
Ordered Module Plus which has Grove B & C and a 500ma battery.Do I need to remove Module Battery 700ma to use the Module Plus?
Should I remove the 500ma battery and use both Module Battery 700ma + Module Plus (with 500ma removed)?Cheers,
Ric -
@kyklist You can actually stack them together. However, due to different battery capacity combinations, there will be a certain loss of total capacity due to mutual charging.
Thank you. I will try it when it arrives.
I have a similar question,
Is it ok (safe) to put a plus module between a grey and a faces(I) bottom ?
@ardo Yes, you could connect they together.