Arduino UNO + ST7789V2
I am trying to run Arduino UNO + ST7789V2(M5stack), but when I try to run just sample basic program from M5stack, I always got an error:internal\memory.h:13:10: fatal error: memory: No such file or directory
include memory
compilation terminated. exit status 1".I have same result on two different PC. What do I need to check?
With wiring everything fine, and communication ok.Thank you in advance!
#include <M5UnitLCD.h> M5UnitLCD display; M5Canvas canvas(&display); static constexpr char text[] = "Hello world ! こんにちは世界! this is long long string sample. 寿限無、寿限無、五劫の擦り切れ、海砂利水魚の、水行末・雲来末・風来末、喰う寝る処に住む処、藪ら柑子の藪柑子、パイポ・パイポ・パイポのシューリンガン、シューリンガンのグーリンダイ、グーリンダイのポンポコピーのポンポコナの、長久命の長助"; static constexpr size_t textlen = sizeof(text) / sizeof(text[0]); int textpos = 0; int scrollstep = 2; void setup(void) { display.init(); display.setRotation(2); canvas.setColorDepth(1); // mono color canvas.setFont(&fonts::lgfxJapanMinchoP_32); canvas.setTextWrap(false); canvas.setTextSize(2); canvas.createSprite(display.width() + 64, 72); } void loop(void) { int32_t cursor_x = canvas.getCursorX() - scrollstep; if (cursor_x <= 0) { textpos = 0; cursor_x = display.width(); } canvas.setCursor(cursor_x, 0); canvas.scroll(-scrollstep, 0); while (textpos < textlen && cursor_x <= display.width()) { canvas.print(text[textpos++]); cursor_x = canvas.getCursorX(); } display.waitDisplay(); canvas.pushSprite(&display, 0, (display.height() - canvas.height()) >> 1); }
@MARKS-MILINKOVS said in Arduino UNO + ST7789V2:
I am trying to run Arduino UNO + ST7789V2(M5stack), but when I try to run just sample basic program from M5stack, I always got an error:internal\memory.h:13:10: fatal error: memory: No such file or directory
include memory
compilation terminated. exit status 1".I have same result on two different PC. What do I need to check?
With wiring everything fine, and communication ok.Thank you in advance!
#include <M5UnitLCD.h> M5UnitLCD display; M5Canvas canvas(&display); static constexpr char text[] = "Hello world ! こんにちは世界! this is long long string sample. 寿限無、寿限無、五劫の擦り切れ、海砂利水魚の、水行末・雲来末・風来末、喰う寝る処に住む処、藪ら柑子の藪柑子、パイポ・パイポ・パイポのシューリンガン、シューリンガンのグーリンダイ、グーリンダイのポンポコピーのポンポコナの、長久命の長助"; static constexpr size_t textlen = sizeof(text) / sizeof(text[0]); int textpos = 0; int scrollstep = 2; void setup(void) { display.init(); display.setRotation(2); canvas.setColorDepth(1); // mono color canvas.setFont(&fonts::lgfxJapanMinchoP_32); canvas.setTextWrap(false); canvas.setTextSize(2); canvas.createSprite(display.width() + 64, 72); } void loop(void) { int32_t cursor_x = canvas.getCursorX() - scrollstep; if (cursor_x <= 0) { textpos = 0; cursor_x = display.width(); } canvas.setCursor(cursor_x, 0); canvas.scroll(-scrollstep, 0); while (textpos < textlen && cursor_x <= display.width()) { canvas.print(text[textpos++]); cursor_x = canvas.getCursorX(); } display.waitDisplay(); canvas.pushSprite(&display, 0, (display.height() - canvas.height()) >> 1); }
you aware that arduino UNO is not esp32 chip (all m5Stack is based on esp32 family)
@robski okay, and can I deal with it somehow?
@MARKS-MILINKOVS said in Arduino UNO + ST7789V2:
@robski okay, and can I deal with it somehow?
show us your setup