Hi, we have a project in school and I want to dive into image recognition. I do not have any experiences with Rpi, and even arduino. I also do not have any skills in coding and in electronics, I am just starting right now. I am currently finding camera modules for Rpi3 Model B so I could use it to recognize waste materials (biodeg, nonbiodeg, and recyclable). But the camera module v2 is out-of-stock in my country. I saw M5Stack UnitV2 in a website and thought it could be an alternative for camera module v2.
Question: Can M5Stack UnitV2 work with Rpi3 Model B? Can it identify waste such as plastic bottles and send the data to my Rpi3 to use as a reference to command my outputs (i.e. DC motor)? For example, Banana --> Biodegradable --> open door for biodegradable bin.
Is there anyway to do that? I am sorry for my noob questions. I just started studying last week, from Arduino then I moved to Rpi because a friend told me Rpi is better for image recognition.
Thank you!