Yes please update UIflow firmware to µpython last version
Yes please update UIflow firmware to µpython last version
same for me... sometimes my code is working, i change a little thing and no more working... remove my add and not come back to a working state....
Nothing work like it should...
CORE2 with last UIFlow firmware...
Sometimes micropython code works, sometimes not..
Sometimes you could go to app menu, choose a .py file and run it, sometimes i does not start.... impossible to go back to app menu without use M5burner....
In visual studio codes, open M5 core2 execute the same code and it works... reset CORE2, nothing work...
Is it possible to have a firmware where all stuff is WORKING ???
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD\src/utility/Sd2PinMap.h:524:2: error: #error Architecture or board not supported.
I always get this error when i build on Arduino IDE and i don't understand why ?
I have a M5stack Core 2.
Thanks for your help !