@ajb2k3 Thank you for your reply. Thank you also for your hint about creating a log on hackster.io. By now I created a v2 of my document. I changed the titel into "My first steps with the M5Stack UIFlow IDE". In the document I refer to it as "my notes". The Intro I changed. I digged a bit into what is 'Blockly'. At the end I wrote a paragraph "About me". I uploaded v2 and I deleted the initial version. OK about pm or email. I'll contact you soon.

Best posts made by Paulskpt
RE: Does there exist a doc/explanation of all commands/blocks used in UI Flow
FACES /apps/game.py doesn't run properly (solved)
Hi, I just got a FACES set delivered.
When exploring the apps that came with the UIFlow firmware (V1.3.3) I discovered the following:
The script/apps/game.py
did not run properly. It showed only the small icon image above the btnB position and a bigger version of this icon in the upper half of the display. However the latter did not change (which it should).
I discovered that the source of the problem was: filenames of the image files that had more than 8 characters.
In the folder/flash/img
I changed file names of these three image files to:rock.jpg
.rps_img = (
lcd.image(48, 200, 'img/rock_128.jpg', 2)
lcd.image(143, 200, 'img/paper_128.jpg', 2)
lcd.image(238, 200, 'img/scissors_128.jpg', 2)This fact did not crash the script but it worked only partially.
I made the following modifications:
a)rps_img = (
)b) since there was already defined
, I used this in the following commands:lcd.image(48, 200, rps_img[0], 2)
lcd.image(143, 200, rps_img[1], 2)
lcd.image(238, 200, rps_img[2], 2)Another problem occurred after I flashed the device with the latest UIFlow firmware (V1.9.4) using M5Burner.
Now thescript /apps/game.py
crashed because the functionmachine.random()
does not exist anymore.
The command:rand = machine.random(2)
I replaced by:
from random import randint
rand = randint(0,2)
Now the script ran again OK.
RE: DS3231 on M5Stack - Need your Help
@morguane I just saw your topic (of almost a year ago). I guess you solved your problems with the external RTC by now. But anyway liked to inform you about the repo I published on GitHub, using a D3231 RTC with a M5Stack Core1 (BASIC). DS3231 on M5Stack_DS3231_uRTC.
Regards, -
RE: UIFlow 2.0.0 firmware preview version
I just recently stepped into the 'world of M5Stack'. I am learning fast :-). Yesterday I published a small repo for M5Stack on GitHub and posted this fact in this Community forum. Thank you for your efforts to improve the firmware for M5Stack devices. The past ten years I experimented with Arduino, Raspberry Pi's (all models) , ESP32-S2. I prefer to write in Python but also built projects in C, C++. While trying to get aquainted to the M5Stack firmware I used REPL in Thonny to see which modules/functions are present in the several libraries. I discovered that there exist (at least appear in the dir() listings issued in REPL of Thonny).doubling of functions in the various library modules
, for example: in 'vfs' exist: mount, umount, mkdir, chdir etcetera. These same functions also exist in the 'uos' module: mount, umount, mkdir, chdir and more. The module 'os' has the same contents as 'uos'. To me this is: a)confusing
; b) if it are not a kind of 'links' (or say: 'redirection' -- my expression to this phenomenon) of a function in library 'x' to a function in libary 'y', then it will be awaste of memory
too; c) this fact does not help to improve the quality and reliability of programs. I think that a function should be unique: be in one place only. This will also make writing and reading code more easy; helps preventing bugs and so on. But this is just a thinking on my side. I am not familiar with the internals of the current set of modules that make up the micropython firmware for the M5Stack family of devices. I started programming around 1978 with a 'computer' having only 64kB of RAM. Learning all kind of tricks, e.g.: re-use of RAM at runtime. If your intention is to 'optimize' the firmware you could start with a 'cleanup session' by taking out these confusing doublings.Question
: is there a reason to have the same function in more than one library/module? This isjust my first impression
which I wanted to share with you since you asked: '...that you help us develop and test firmware...'
Paulus Schulinck (@Paulskpt) -
Does there exist a doc/explanation of all commands/blocks used in UI Flow
HI, a second post of this newby in UI Flow.
I unsuccessfully searched the internet to find a document that explains all the commands/blocks used in UI Flow. I found some but they are not complete. Or did I miss something?
E.g.: In the UI Flow part UI > Switch, there is the "set swtich(n) toggle". It is not clear to me what this block does:
a) toggles the switch(n) logic state: if the state was: "off", it switches the switch state to "on" and viceversa; or
b) the switch(n) is with this block assigned to be of the type "toggle switch".I ask this because it confuses me . I saw that there are two other blocks for switches in the same section: "set switch(n) on" and "set switch(n) off".
Cardputer with ENVII unit
Hi there, FYI I just created a repo on Github of a M5Stack Cardputer with a M5Stack ENVII unit.
See repo
PaulskPt @ Github -
RE: Does there exist a doc/explanation of all commands/blocks used in UI Flow
@ajb2k3 The past days I studied and experimented a lot, mainly with a M5Stack Core2 and a M5Stack CardKB. I learned a lot, partly with help from your Handbook. Thank you for publishing it. I have the custom to make notes of my experiments. This is my way of learning. It also helps me, in later moments, to remember myself what I did in that moment of experimenting. I used your handbook as a start. I decided to rework it and add to it things that I discovered. The document is now 37 pages. I saved as a .pdf file. In the final paragraphs I added a description how I managed to download (backup) all files that were on the device. At first I was, for instance, not able to download .IMG, .JPG, .PNG and some other filetypes. Then I used a method that uses the Thonny app to write files to a Raspberry Pi Pico, to download files from the M5Stack device to the host PC using Thonny. I want to share the file with you. I would appreciate to hear from you what you think about it. Unfortunately, this forum interface does not allow to upload .docx or .pdf files. only images, so I copied the .pdf to a Dropbox folder. Here is the link to that folder:
[link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5cy7v623ksp8mp1/AAADNdYm3x8P5-iSQzkyDFx0a?dl=0].
I'll keep this Dropbox folder available for some time.