@turnip said in ERROR 22 Bat Vol error:

@fire_ned said in ERROR 22 Bat Vol error:

For anyone else encountering Error 22 Battery Low, what worked for me is to SLOWLY charge the battery with an external 1S Li-Po charger using the Vbat pins.
I'd say it's save to assume the battery went into deep sleep / protection mode. The way to 'wake up' a Li-Po cell is to slowly and carefully, under observation!, charge the cell. Since it's only a 80mAh battery i recommend to charge it at 5-10mAh. Once the cell is woken up, the external charger can be disconnected and the internal M5StickC circuitry charge it from then on.
I hope that helps, this thread was in the top search results for me.

(I also tried connecting a 300 Ohm resistor between 3.3V and Vbat, but that wasn't sufficient even though theoretically it should work)

Sorry if this question sounds stupid. But I am new to M5Stack. When you said "SLOWLY charge the battery with an external 1S Li-Po charger using the Vbat pins" Did you mean connect a 1S Li-Po charger to the 3.3V and Batt pins on the M5Stick? Also what current 0.2A?

Thank you!

I connected my adjustable bench power supply to the ground pin and battery pin of the m5stick and modify the current from 1A to 2A and when I saw come back on without the error 22, I use a regular USB-c charger to continue charging.