I've been using the export binary from Arduino for a couple years. These are put on a server so an OTA can occur.
To my surprise, I made some changes, repeated my process - but the update never happened.
That's when I found out the name of the binary file was changed from:
m5stick_c_plus to m5stack_stickc_plus
I haven't found any documentation on the name of the binary, but I assume it related to the board (and mine is still: M5StickCPlus).
I had been using library 2.0.4 but then upgraded to 2.0.7
and now I see the version changed to: 0.4.3
And the web page says to use the M5Unified version. For me that's
a bridge too far right now.
Arduion is version 1.8.19
Is there any documentation on the versions and how the binary names are created? I did just see this (thanks). https://docs.m5stack.com/en/platform
I especially need to have a binary that is the same memory configuration as my 2.0.4 M5 and ESP32 since the OTA has to work for 100's of installed versions.