Need help
So i received my core s3
I just want to write a script for a power button on the screen toggle the power button and it turns on my computer maybe add a picture to the background or give file to react to pressing the power button on and off or at a sound effect when pressing the power button on and off is this possible? And have 5v and ground from one of the ports to send signal each time button is pressed to turn off or on? -
Yes, that is possible.
OK can you help me write such project I'm willing to pay 50$ via paypal
unfortunately I can't help because I don't know enough about interfacing to a computer.
@ajb2k3 don't want it to interface with PC only want one of the port to issue a button press.... Just act like a power like send a signal like 5v power and ground nothing else I seen a YouTube video of someone setting up multiple buttons to trigger a power on this is what I need
@yayhatillman Maybe it's not easier to "wake on lan" via wifi network?
I don't know if it's possible, but it would be another way to turn on the computer.Message translated by Google, must contain an error.
@Yayhatillman with such approach I would suggest to use small relay to be operated/toggled by M5Stack gpio then pc power button connected to relay contacts.
@ianfs2 I looked into seeing if my MB support wake on lan I see the option just don't know how to turn it on... I'll report back on this one...