M5paper USB mode
Hey there,
How can I turn my m5paper to usb Mode. I tried to burn both uiflow and factory test. On both thonny tells the device is busy. -
You use M5 Burner to burn firmware
Thanks for the reply, so I can't performe something like that on the m5paper?
Thonny with m5stack:
https://youtu.be/YEQPAK609Uo?si=dlmyWouOBeYbLjrE -
@alwa123 Yes, you use M5Burner to Upload the latest UIFlow Firmware to the M5Paper, Open Thonny, set the port to the M5Paper, Se mode to Micropython generic and then connect.
Once connected you will need to hit CTRL+C or another combination that will be show in the shell to interrupt the running program and get access to the REPL command.