GC9A01+M5Stamp C3 +Arduino help please
Hi @felmue I need some Arduino help please.
I'm trying to connect a GC9a01 (the round display) to the Stamp C3 using the following code:
#include <Arduino_GFX_Library.h> #define TFT_BL 6 // default backlight pin, you may replace DF_GFX_BL to actual backlight pin /* More dev device declaration: https://github.com/moononournation/Arduino_GFX/wiki/Dev-Device-Declaration */ #if defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) Arduino_GFX *gfx = create_default_Arduino_GFX(); #else /* !defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) */ /* More data bus class: https://github.com/moononournation/Arduino_GFX/wiki/Data-Bus-Class */ //Arduino_DataBus *bus = create_default_Arduino_DataBus(); Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_ESP32SPI(4 /* DC */, 5 /* CS */, 8 /* SCK */, 10 /* MOSI */, GFX_NOT_DEFINED /* MISO */); //Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_HWSPI(4 /* DC */, 5 /* CS */); /* More display class: https://github.com/moononournation/Arduino_GFX/wiki/Display-Class */ //Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ILI9341(bus, DF_GFX_RST, 0 /* rotation */, false /* IPS */); Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_GC9A01(bus, 7 /* RST */, 0 /* rotation */, true /* IPS */); #endif /* !defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) */ /******************************************************************************* * End of Arduino_GFX setting ******************************************************************************/ #define BACKGROUND BLACK #define MARK_COLOR WHITE #define SUBMARK_COLOR DARKGREY // LIGHTGREY #define HOUR_COLOR WHITE #define MINUTE_COLOR BLUE // LIGHTGREY #define SECOND_COLOR RED #define SIXTIETH 0.016666667 #define TWELFTH 0.08333333 #define SIXTIETH_RADIAN 0.10471976 #define TWELFTH_RADIAN 0.52359878 #define RIGHT_ANGLE_RADIAN 1.5707963 static uint8_t conv2d(const char *p) { uint8_t v = 0; return (10 * (*p - '0')) + (*++p - '0'); } static int16_t w, h, center; static int16_t hHandLen, mHandLen, sHandLen, markLen; static float sdeg, mdeg, hdeg; static int16_t osx = 0, osy = 0, omx = 0, omy = 0, ohx = 0, ohy = 0; // Saved H, M, S x & y coords static int16_t nsx, nsy, nmx, nmy, nhx, nhy; // H, M, S x & y coords static int16_t xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax; // redraw range static int16_t hh, mm, ss; static unsigned long targetTime; // next action time static int16_t *cached_points; static uint16_t cached_points_idx = 0; static int16_t *last_cached_point; void setup(void) { gfx->begin(); gfx->fillScreen(BACKGROUND); #ifdef GFX_BL pinMode(GFX_BL, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(GFX_BL, HIGH); #endif // init LCD constant w = gfx->width(); h = gfx->height(); if (w < h) { center = w / 2; } else { center = h / 2; } hHandLen = center * 3 / 8; mHandLen = center * 2 / 3; sHandLen = center * 5 / 6; markLen = sHandLen / 6; cached_points = (int16_t *)malloc((hHandLen + 1 + mHandLen + 1 + sHandLen + 1) * 2 * 2); // Draw 60 clock marks draw_round_clock_mark( // draw_square_clock_mark( center - markLen, center, center - (markLen * 2 / 3), center, center - (markLen / 2), center); hh = conv2d(__TIME__); mm = conv2d(__TIME__ + 3); ss = conv2d(__TIME__ + 6); targetTime = ((millis() / 1000) + 1) * 1000; } void loop() { unsigned long cur_millis = millis(); if (cur_millis >= targetTime) { targetTime += 1000; ss++; // Advance second if (ss == 60) { ss = 0; mm++; // Advance minute if (mm > 59) { mm = 0; hh++; // Advance hour if (hh > 23) { hh = 0; } } } } // Pre-compute hand degrees, x & y coords for a fast screen update sdeg = SIXTIETH_RADIAN * ((0.001 * (cur_millis % 1000)) + ss); // 0-59 (includes millis) nsx = cos(sdeg - RIGHT_ANGLE_RADIAN) * sHandLen + center; nsy = sin(sdeg - RIGHT_ANGLE_RADIAN) * sHandLen + center; if ((nsx != osx) || (nsy != osy)) { mdeg = (SIXTIETH * sdeg) + (SIXTIETH_RADIAN * mm); // 0-59 (includes seconds) hdeg = (TWELFTH * mdeg) + (TWELFTH_RADIAN * hh); // 0-11 (includes minutes) mdeg -= RIGHT_ANGLE_RADIAN; hdeg -= RIGHT_ANGLE_RADIAN; nmx = cos(mdeg) * mHandLen + center; nmy = sin(mdeg) * mHandLen + center; nhx = cos(hdeg) * hHandLen + center; nhy = sin(hdeg) * hHandLen + center; // redraw hands redraw_hands_cached_draw_and_erase(); ohx = nhx; ohy = nhy; omx = nmx; omy = nmy; osx = nsx; osy = nsy; delay(1); } } void draw_round_clock_mark(int16_t innerR1, int16_t outerR1, int16_t innerR2, int16_t outerR2, int16_t innerR3, int16_t outerR3) { float x, y; int16_t x0, x1, y0, y1, innerR, outerR; uint16_t c; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 60; i++) { if ((i % 15) == 0) { innerR = innerR1; outerR = outerR1; c = MARK_COLOR; } else if ((i % 5) == 0) { innerR = innerR2; outerR = outerR2; c = MARK_COLOR; } else { innerR = innerR3; outerR = outerR3; c = SUBMARK_COLOR; } mdeg = (SIXTIETH_RADIAN * i) - RIGHT_ANGLE_RADIAN; x = cos(mdeg); y = sin(mdeg); x0 = x * outerR + center; y0 = y * outerR + center; x1 = x * innerR + center; y1 = y * innerR + center; gfx->drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, c); } } void draw_square_clock_mark(int16_t innerR1, int16_t outerR1, int16_t innerR2, int16_t outerR2, int16_t innerR3, int16_t outerR3) { float x, y; int16_t x0, x1, y0, y1, innerR, outerR; uint16_t c; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 60; i++) { if ((i % 15) == 0) { innerR = innerR1; outerR = outerR1; c = MARK_COLOR; } else if ((i % 5) == 0) { innerR = innerR2; outerR = outerR2; c = MARK_COLOR; } else { innerR = innerR3; outerR = outerR3; c = SUBMARK_COLOR; } if ((i >= 53) || (i < 8)) { x = tan(SIXTIETH_RADIAN * i); x0 = center + (x * outerR); y0 = center + (1 - outerR); x1 = center + (x * innerR); y1 = center + (1 - innerR); } else if (i < 23) { y = tan((SIXTIETH_RADIAN * i) - RIGHT_ANGLE_RADIAN); x0 = center + (outerR); y0 = center + (y * outerR); x1 = center + (innerR); y1 = center + (y * innerR); } else if (i < 38) { x = tan(SIXTIETH_RADIAN * i); x0 = center - (x * outerR); y0 = center + (outerR); x1 = center - (x * innerR); y1 = center + (innerR); } else if (i < 53) { y = tan((SIXTIETH_RADIAN * i) - RIGHT_ANGLE_RADIAN); x0 = center + (1 - outerR); y0 = center - (y * outerR); x1 = center + (1 - innerR); y1 = center - (y * innerR); } gfx->drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, c); } } void redraw_hands_cached_draw_and_erase() { gfx->startWrite(); draw_and_erase_cached_line(center, center, nsx, nsy, SECOND_COLOR, cached_points, sHandLen + 1, false, false); draw_and_erase_cached_line(center, center, nhx, nhy, HOUR_COLOR, cached_points + ((sHandLen + 1) * 2), hHandLen + 1, true, false); draw_and_erase_cached_line(center, center, nmx, nmy, MINUTE_COLOR, cached_points + ((sHandLen + 1 + hHandLen + 1) * 2), mHandLen + 1, true, true); gfx->endWrite(); } void draw_and_erase_cached_line(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t color, int16_t *cache, int16_t cache_len, bool cross_check_second, bool cross_check_hour) { #if defined(ESP8266) yield(); #endif bool steep = _diff(y1, y0) > _diff(x1, x0); if (steep) { _swap_int16_t(x0, y0); _swap_int16_t(x1, y1); } int16_t dx, dy; dx = _diff(x1, x0); dy = _diff(y1, y0); int16_t err = dx / 2; int8_t xstep = (x0 < x1) ? 1 : -1; int8_t ystep = (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1; x1 += xstep; int16_t x, y, ox, oy; for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= dx; i++) { if (steep) { x = y0; y = x0; } else { x = x0; y = y0; } ox = *(cache + (i * 2)); oy = *(cache + (i * 2) + 1); if ((x == ox) && (y == oy)) { if (cross_check_second || cross_check_hour) { write_cache_pixel(x, y, color, cross_check_second, cross_check_hour); } } else { write_cache_pixel(x, y, color, cross_check_second, cross_check_hour); if ((ox > 0) || (oy > 0)) { write_cache_pixel(ox, oy, BACKGROUND, cross_check_second, cross_check_hour); } *(cache + (i * 2)) = x; *(cache + (i * 2) + 1) = y; } if (err < dy) { y0 += ystep; err += dx; } err -= dy; x0 += xstep; } for (uint16_t i = dx + 1; i < cache_len; i++) { ox = *(cache + (i * 2)); oy = *(cache + (i * 2) + 1); if ((ox > 0) || (oy > 0)) { write_cache_pixel(ox, oy, BACKGROUND, cross_check_second, cross_check_hour); } *(cache + (i * 2)) = 0; *(cache + (i * 2) + 1) = 0; } } void write_cache_pixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t color, bool cross_check_second, bool cross_check_hour) { int16_t *cache = cached_points; if (cross_check_second) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= sHandLen; i++) { if ((x == *(cache++)) && (y == *(cache))) { return; } cache++; } } if (cross_check_hour) { cache = cached_points + ((sHandLen + 1) * 2); for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= hHandLen; i++) { if ((x == *(cache++)) && (y == *(cache))) { return; } cache++; } } gfx->writePixel(x, y, color); }
But I'm not seeing anything on the screen. am I doing something wrong?
Hello @ajb2k3
difficult to tell as I do not have the GC9a01 to test with. Do you know that the display works, e.g. have you tried it with an ESP32 based M5Stack device?
I'd check if the backlight is actually turned on. E.g. is
defined?#ifdef GFX_BL pinMode(GFX_BL, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(GFX_BL, HIGH); #endif
Felix -
Doh this is why I hate Arduino,
I had to change the#define TFT_BL 6
#define GFX_BL 6
And now it works, that's mate!