OEM code shipped on Atom lite 2
I'm looking for a sketch of what's shipped out, running on my new atom 2 lite right now. Thanks!
Atom 2, never heard of it
ATOM Lite ESP32 IoT Development Kit
SKU:C008 - See bottom pic of product. https://m5stack.com/collections/m5-atom/products/atom-lite-esp32-development-kit
Another thread says it's use the FastLED library (LED in the button I presume), and the schematic says it's gpio 27 http://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/core/atom_lite
Adjusted FirstLight example, 6812 neopixel, code line: FastLED.addLeds<SK6812, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS); // GRB ordering is typical
Doesn't the Atom matrix and atom lite normally come with UIFlow installed.
All mine have.
Yes, in arduino the fastled library works great.