recover m5 file from m5stack
Last year I made an m5 project, put it on my m5stack, and saved the file on my pc.
2 months ago, my hard drive from my pc crashed, so I lost the m5 file I saved on it.
Now I wanted to make some adjustments to my file, but I don't have the source file anymore.
Is there any way to get the file from my m5stack to open in UIFlow, so I can make the changes and redownload it to my m5stack? -
You can try to connect to m5 with vs code, browse filesytem, find and copy your code file to hard drive
Assuming you were running a recent version of uiFlow firmware on your device, another way is with ampy.
ampy --port=/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --baud=115200 ls /flash/blocks ampy --port=/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --baud=115200 get /flash/blocks/{file}.m5f ~/Downloads/{file}.m5f
Open the .m5f file into uiFlow. Or you could also check the /flash/apps directory and obtain the .py files, but you will not be able to load that directly into uiFlow and edit the blocks.
@m5stack That worked! Thank you!