Swollen M5Stack Battery.
On one of my M5Stack devices the battery in the bottom module is swollen. That worries me!
I have used the M5Stack with the additional battery module. Then both batteries are connected in parallel, right?
Can that be the cause? Has anyone ever observed this when using the extra battery module?
@hague There was a warning about using the module like this but this is the first time I have seen a battery go bad.
You need to immediately put that in a strong metal tin incase it ruptures. -
@hague contact M5Stack support and see if the can help you. I recall in the past they had issues with one of their battery vendors.
I have the very same issue with one of my m5stacks. The battery is so swollen that I cannot plug the keypad.
https://i.imgur.com/v4oDisv.jpgDid you contact support as suggested? What's the best way to fix this? Thanks in advance
where did you buy it ? the best solution is contact the store. after order confirm we will help you solve it.
LiPo batteries are pretty dangerous if they are deformed. I suggest you to keep it away from house.
This happens to them due damage, overheat, overcharge and other usage with impropriate conditions.