How to recharge the battery
I just get my first M5StickC and I am wondering how to recharge the internal battery?
I try to connect to a USB IPhone 5v plug for 3 hours but I just get 5 minutes run time.
What do you recommend and how do you know when the battery is full?
Thanks in advance.
Hello, I always use something like this (ät-Ladestation-Schnellladen-Powerbank/dp/B01N4D1MZL/ref=sr_1_55?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=USb+Lader&qid=1580497238&sr=8-55) but your IPhone charger is sufficient.
But I still connect this part between the charger and the M5Stick C ( current+display&__mk_en_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=31WZ0F6G6OJ1T&sprefix=USb+charging current%2Caps%2C163&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_13) so you can see how much charging current is flowing. And you can see when no or very little current is flowing that the M5Stick C is fully charged. But it could still be that the charging current of your IPhone 5V plug charger is too low !?And please remember that if you have the display on all the time, it is a real power guzzler.
After all, the M5Stick C has only an 80mAh battery installed ! -
@skink Thanks for your answer
I'm currently testing the runtime of the M5Stick C and as I said, I loaded it via this adapter.
At the beginning of the charge the M5Stick C had a charge current of 0.17A.
At the end of the charge the M5Stick C had 0.07A charge current.
Now I let it run with the display switched on.
At the moment I'm at 22 minutes running time with the built-in battery !!
But I will report later when it has switched off. -
So the M5Stick C has just switched off, I measured a runtime of 51 minutes. Only the M5Stick C was running without additional hardware with the display turned on but with fixed text displayed. Charge current is now 0.17A again after reconnecting it. -
Was WiFi connected during your test? -
No WiFi connected
Can you test with The best would be logging the data via a serial port and uploading it to a file sharing site (with a complete charge/discharge cycle). I plan on adding some graphing (first on desktop, then on device) to the project in my (not enough) free time.