[Solved]Black screen error
disconnect the usb lead, remove the base plate, plug back in and see what happens.
@ajb2k3 same result. I detached the screen part from bottom part, put them back together :(. I also tried to load a code pressing reset with same result
If you are on windows, download this, link text
OSX download this https://m5stack.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/resource/software/M5Burner_MacOS.zipconnect the m5 stack and make sure it appears as a com port. (usbtoslab on osx) and run the file.
Sometime the black will hiccup and need a capacitor between rst and gnd.
@ajb2k3 I’ve tried but burned program can’t run. It gives a message saying SHORTCUT STOPPED WORKING. I’ve tried tu run it over Windows and Linux and none of the versions ran
@davmartes That is strange.
Have you tried restarting your computer (not the m5stack?) -
@ajb2k3 yes, several times. I am going to try using a different computer now
@davmartes Are you using the stock black lead?
Hi @DavMartEs Dav I just started a chat with you, you should see a notification message at the top of the screen.
@ajb2k3 You mean the black core m4stack? Yes
@ajb2k3 It is strange, because in the second computer I try I get the same error when I try to install the burn program “shortcut has stopped”
We have had issues with the little black lead that comes with the m5stack core black failing. What is more interesting is the error message. does it pop up when starting the burner or when flashing?
I wasn’t using the reset button properly when uploading a sketch. I had the .....____....._____ error in Arduino IDE and black screen in M5Stack. Now problem is solved. Thank you for your help!