esp32 to usb driver issues.
I recently purchased an M5Stamp Pico and a USB to TTL converter from Amazon. The converter uses the CP2102 chip. I connected the 3.3v, TX, RX, and ground pins, and shorted the ground to G0. However, Windows does not recognize the USB board. I have attempted to download various drivers for the CP2102 chip, but none have resolved the issue. Can someone please give some advice to get the board to function?Amazon Link:
@leaguen You don't short G0 on the pico to ground.
It looks like your TTL adapter is not working.
Hey after a while for a new one to come in that seems to be the case, but now I seem to be running into a new error.
WARNING: Failed to communicate with the flash chip, read/write operations will fail. Try checking the chip connections or removing any other hardware connected to IOs.
Configuring flash size...and I have reinstalled the drivers almost 10 times at this point. I tried it on different computers and also trying different operating systems. I also tried different ports on those computers.
@leaguen have you tried a different adapter like an arduino uno in ISP mode of the M5Stack adapter?
@ajb2k3 Yes I have with no similar luck
@leaguen have you tried different usb cables? if you have m5burner opened and you plug your M5 unit to usb ids there any com port detection visible at all?
@robski I have tried it with a different usb to ttl bridge with the same results, and m5burner gives me the exact same error as arduino IDE