Bus already started, M5Stick vs DEVKIT 1
Hello to all,
The M5StickCPlus2 has a weird behaviour in regards to the I2c bus.
Before my M5Stick arrived, I tested the M5Stack Mini Scale with my Esp32 (Doit Devkit 1) successfully with the following code.
#include <Arduino.h> #include <M5Unified.h> #include "UNIT_SCALES.h" #include <WiFi.h> #include <PubSubClient.h> #include <InfluxDbClient.h> #include <InfluxDbCloud.h> #define millis_between_readings 500 // WiFi const char* ssid = "....."; const char* password = "...."; #if defined(ESP32) #include <WiFiMulti.h> WiFiMulti wifiMulti; #define DEVICE "ESP32" #elif defined(ESP8266) #include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h> ESP8266WiFiMulti wifiMulti; #define DEVICE "ESP8266" #endif #define INFLUXDB_URL "....." #define INFLUXDB_TOKEN "....." #define INFLUXDB_ORG "...." #define INFLUXDB_BUCKET "...." // Time zone info #define TZ_INFO "UTC2" // Declare InfluxDB client instance with preconfigured InfluxCloud certificate InfluxDBClient client(INFLUXDB_URL, INFLUXDB_ORG, INFLUXDB_BUCKET, INFLUXDB_TOKEN, InfluxDbCloud2CACert); // Declare Data point Point sensorP("ESP32_1"); UNIT_SCALES scales; void setup() { M5.begin(); // Setup wifi Serial.print("Connecting to WiFi: ["); Serial.print(ssid); Serial.print("] password: ["); Serial.print(password); Serial.print("]"); Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to wifi"); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); wifiMulti.addAP(ssid, password); WiFi.disconnect(); delay(1); while (wifiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.println(WiFi.status()); Serial.print(" "); delay(1000); } Serial.println("Connected to the Wi-Fi network"); // Accurate time is necessary for certificate validation and writing in batches // We use the NTP servers in your area as provided by: https://www.pool.ntp.org/zone/ // Syncing progress and the time will be printed to Serial. timeSync(TZ_INFO, "pool.ntp.org", "time.nis.gov"); // Check server connection if (client.validateConnection()) { Serial.print("Connected to InfluxDB: "); Serial.println(client.getServerUrl()); } else { Serial.print("InfluxDB connection failed: "); Serial.println(client.getLastErrorMessage()); } sensorP.addTag("device", DEVICE); sensorP.addTag("sensorType", "HT711"); while (!scales.begin(&Wire, 21, 22, DEVICE_DEFAULT_ADDR)) { Serial.println("scales connect error"); M5.Lcd.print("scales connect error"); delay(1000); } } char *toCharArray(String str) { return &str[0]; } void loop() { // Clear fields for reusing the point. Tags will remain the same as set above. sensorP.clearFields(); // Delay between measurements. sensorP.addField("weight", scales.getWeight()); sensorP.addField("gap", scales.getGapValue()); sensorP.addField("adc", scales.getRawADC()); // Write point if (!client.writePoint(sensorP)) { Serial.print("InfluxDB write failed: "); Serial.println(client.getLastErrorMessage()); } Serial.println("Pausing till next reading"); delay(millis_between_readings); }
Here is a picture of the wiring I used to bridge the gap between the M5 connector and the Devkit 1. (Green: VIN, Gray: GND, Purple: D21, White D22).
Anyone any idea what these two boards work differently?
Greetings Pascal
For the sake of completeness, I found my error.
I assumed, due to the writing on the back, that the ports must be 21/22. However, the SDA/SCL ports for the groove port are 32/33.
while (!scales.begin(&Wire, 32, 33, DEVICE_DEFAULT_ADDR)) { Serial.println("scales connect error"); M5.Lcd.print("scales connect error"); delay(1000); }
Changing the ports in the scales.begin fixed the error.
Greetings Pascal