COM.LTE pin 2?
Hi all,
I have a number of COM.LTE modems running successfully with CoreBasic units. I was just going through some of my code to make a list of which pins are available for use when I noticed a reference to pin 2 during the modem initialization.
I see it show up in almost every sample config and forum post like this:
SerialAT.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 5, 13); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(2, 0); delay(3000); digitalWrite(2, 1);
What is the purpose of pin 2 here? Many of the examples will have a comment along the lines of "set pin 2 high for using the modem (simulates a power button press)".
My code doesn't have the two digitalWrite lines, but a single modem.restart() and it has been working fine. As an experiment, I tried removing the pinMode(2, OUTPUT) line in my code and reassigning it as an input connected to a toggle switch, and everything still seems to be fine.
Hello @aezero
this code sequence is used to power on a given modem. Some types of modems power on automatically and other types of modems need a short pulse to turn on.
The SIM7600 used in COM.LTE is wired to automatically turn on - no additional pin is required for that. In other words you can use pin 2 for something else.
Felix -
@felmue Thanks, Felix! You're the best!