MPaper: How to read touch (or fingerUp) just one time.
I am programming my M5Paper with the Arduino IDE 2.2.1. I have tried everything I can think of to get just a single pair of x,y cordinates from a single touch on the M5Paper. I have tried comparing new coordinates with old and so on, but I haven't been able get just a single pair of coordinates and then wait for the net touch. Could someone show me how to achieve this?
Well, yes it does. But why does the readFinger() have to be reaad three times?
for(int i=0;i<2; i++){
tp_finger_t FingerItem = M5.TP.readFinger(i); -
Hello @Steve1
actually it is only read twice (once for i = 0 and a second time for i = 1). The reason is that the touch screen can handle more than one touch point at the same time.
Felix -
Thanks for your patience ;-)