ENVIII causes Core Basic to crash and restart continuously.
Arduino IDE 2.2.1
ESP32 board def. ver. 2.0.13
M5Stack board def. ver. 2.0.7
M5Stack library ver 0.4.5
M5_ENV ver. 0.0.8
All recently updated.
Sketch is the example from the Github repository:
When I comment out this:/* if (sht30.get() == 0) { // Obtain the data of shT30. 获取sht30的数据 tmp = sht30.cTemp; // Store the temperature obtained from shT30. // 将sht30获取到的温度存储 hum = sht30.humidity; // Store the humidity obtained from the SHT30. // 将sht30获取到的湿度存储 } else { tmp = 0, hum = 0; } */
it does not crash, but of course it does not display the temperature!
So...it points to the "sht30.get()" function.When I replace it with inline code:
(and declare this: unsigned int data[6];)
Wire.beginTransmission(0x44); //0x44 for M5Stack ENV (0x45 is DFRobot)
Wire.write(0x2C); //show all the "wheels and gears"
Wire.requestFrom(0x44, 6);
data[0] = Wire.read();
data[1] = Wire.read();
data[2] = Wire.read();
data[3] = Wire.read();
data[4] = Wire.read();
data[5] = Wire.read();
tmp = ((((data[0] * 256.0) + data[1]) * 175) / 65535.0) - 45;
hum = ((((data[3] * 256.0) + data[4]) * 100) / 65535.0);The sensor works!
I has same problem. I solved it by adding sht30.init(); to the setup() function.
SHT3X sht30;
QMP6988 qmp6988;
float tmp = 0.0;
float hum = 0.0;
float pressure = 0.0;void setup() {
}this is missing in the example