New MicroPython version
When could we have an updated version of micropython on the burner?
Current version points to 1.12, from 1.13 up we can use uasyncio V3, which is very important for async requestsv1.12 comes is now more than 2 years old
Its coming soon, they are trying to fix the bugs in UIFLow 2.0 as we speak.
@ajb2k3 Great!, what MP version are you targeting?
I don't know What M5Stack are going for, as I can only go by what's on twitter but I'm on 1.19.1
@ajb2k3 Are you using the M5 libraries and MP 1.19? if so, how did you manage to use that MP version with M5
@fbritop no as can’t get the m5specific libraries but the latest mainstream Micropython is available for the esp32 variants
It takes a lot of searching and testing to find the correct compatible libraries