Where can I find the MAC address?
I'm trying the M5 Stack Core2 for AWS IoT Edukit tutorial series. At the point where the device tried to connect to my router, it failed because the device was not on my router's white list. So where can I find the M5 Stack MAC address?
Thank you.
@alpot A simple way to get your MAC and the device serial address is to compile any program with Arduino IDE and see the orange Transfer Progress info streaming out the bottom line. like here! (In Orange, tho)
esptool.py v3.3
Serial port /dev/cu.wchusbserial5319014191
Chip is ESP32-C3 (revision 3)
Features: Wi-Fi
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 34:b4:72:12:8e:cc -
How can I red the Wifi MAC from inside arduino code?
@dheco Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress());