Update 15-April-2020 UIFlow Handbook roadmap.
Sorry for the lack of updates as I have been busy with lots of different projects.
I have now updated the handbook with a new hardware example and added explanations for several of the UI elements including show the six available background in the emoticon functions.
https://github.com/Ajb2k3/UIFlowHandbook/blob/master/UIFlowhandbook.pdf -
Latest version now available.
I am looking to translate it into different languages once finished for this year.
Wow, a great job you did, thank you so much for the effort.
That helps me and I also think to others who want to get into the M5Stack programming very much.Go on, this will be the perfect M5Stack book!
Can only say again thank you thank you thank you
Thx! Reiner
Thank you.
Dankeschön -
Incredible work!! Really useful for the ones we are starting into m5stack&UIFlow.
Thanks and please continue!
@guors thank you.
perfect job! Just found the book in the web, and I'm really happy to have this available every time. Keep up the fine work!
@werner_g Thank you, while it looks like it hasn't been updated in ages, I have been working on several sections and will be adding the parts soon.
cool - please do so!
The IoT with M5Stack with UIFlow is now online as a kindle ebook and has had it first update to include Blynk 0.1 Legacy.
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