[Product] DMX extension/hat/kit for M5Stick or ATOM
This would be a very useful addition to the range of extensions, as DMX is the most common lighting control protocol used worldwide and there are already quite a few Art-Net repos out there to make the translation from ethernet.
As a connector it would a 3-pin female XLR port
https://www.reichelt.at/at/de/xlr-einbaubuchse-3-polig-silber-vernickelt-crimp-neutrik-nc3fdlxh-p131998.html?PROVID=2807&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjPaCBhDkARIsAISZN7RtgbXXJgYtde_e0k-CIRpRQBgq90Sshm2jnlqP4fS9ZdjsQ0sk_kYaAkTYEALw_wcBThis would allow for an easy wireless control of almost any proffessional lighting product out there :)
Hello, thanks for your suggestion! we will look into it. Indeed it sounds very useful :)