I've installed micropython on my Atom matrix and playing with the tilt game described in https://www.hackster.io/324677/fun-with-atom-matrix-323e3b. I would like to have access to the programmable button and would therefore need some M5stack specific libraries. I install the M5Stack Micropython Base Lobo MicroPython https://github.com/m5stack/M5Stack_MicroPython but ther is no support for neopixel. I dig out the neopixel.py from some some code, but need the esp library provided in the ESP32 micropython distribution https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/esp32/quickref.html. I don't find any way to find and copy that library over to my Atom. So the M5Stack micropython misses neopixel/esp libraries; and the general ESP32 micropython distribution misses M5Stack buttons. And then twins shall never meet.... Please help
Posts made by torehoel
Atom matrix & micropython - access to button library