Got tired of waiting for M5Stack MicroPython to support rtc.ntp_sync, so I came up with a simple workaround, assuming you have access to a webserver:
On your webserver, just create a tiny datetime.php file as follows:
<?php echo '[' . getDatetimeNow() . ']';
function getDatetimeNow() {
$tz_object = new DateTimeZone('Canada/Pacific');
$datetime = new DateTime();
return $datetime->format('Y-m-d\ H:i:s');
Change the TimeZone to your own timezone.
When this PHP code runs, it simply takes the webserver's internal date and time (which should be fairly accurate) and displays the text [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]
Now in your MicroPython code, do the following:
from micropython import const
from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
from uiflow import *
import utime as time
import machine
import urequests
import wifiCfg
RTC_YYYY = const(0)
RTC_MM = const(1)
RTC_DD = const(2)
RTC_HH = const(4)
RTC_MN = const(5)
RTC_SS = const(6)
WIFI_PASSWORD = 'YourPassword'
URL = ''
# Set internal RTC clock based on calling a URL that returns the current local time
# as '[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]'. Function must be connected to internet.
# Parameters:
# WIFI_SSID: the SSID to connect to
# WIFI_PASSWORD: Wifi Password
# DATETIME_URL: the URL to call to return the current time
rtc = machine.RTC()
while wifiCfg.wlan_sta.isconnected() != True:
if wifiCfg.wlan_sta.isconnected() != True:
#end if
if wifiCfg.wlan_sta.isconnected():
#lblWiFi.setText('WiFi Connected')
req = urequests.request(method='GET', url=DATETIME_URL,headers='')
httpData = req.text
iPos1 = httpData.find("[")
iPos2 = httpData.find("]")
if iPos2 > iPos1:
DateTime = httpData[iPos1+1:iPos2]
YYYY = int(DateTime[0:4])
MM = int(DateTime[5:7])
DD = int(DateTime[8:10])
HH = int(DateTime[11:13])
MN = int(DateTime[14:16])
SS = int(DateTime[17:19])
# Set RTC using: Year,Month,Day,WeekDay,Hour,Min,Sec,MS
DateTime = ''
#end if
DateTime = ''
#lblWiFi.setText('WiFi not connected')
DateTime = ''
#end if
return DateTime
RightNow = rtc.datetime()
CurrentYear = int(newDateTime[RTC_YYYY])
CurrentMonth = int(newDateTime[RTC_MM])
CurrentDay = int(newDateTime[RTC_DD])
CurrentHour = int(newDateTime[RTC_HH])
CurrentMinute = int(newDateTime[RTC_MN])
CurrentSecond = int(newDateTime[RTC_SS])
So, once the RTC is set, it will keep pretty accurate time until the M5Stack gets reset or powered off. Or you can just call the routine every day to resync it. Note that the PHP code is currently set for Canadian Pacific Time.
Also note that the above URL is my personal webserver - you can use it for quick testing, but not long term please.