I am trying to use the TimerCam X to deliver an uncompressed image stream. Motion JPEG works up to the following settings in the example web_cam -> ap:
TimerCAM.Camera.sensor->set_pixformat(TimerCAM.Camera.sensor, PIXFORMAT_JPEG);
TimerCAM.Camera.sensor->set_quality(TimerCAM.Camera.sensor, 8);
TimerCAM.Camera.sensor->set_framesize(TimerCAM.Camera.sensor, FRAMESIZE_SVGA);
Increasing the resolution or lowering the quality value (increasing the image quality) will fail during the internal initialisation phase.
At a working setting the image is only send if there is relevant motion detected (motion jpg?) in the changing image content. This is also unfortunate for the project I am working on.
An uncompressed high-resolution image (grayscale or color) that is transferred reliably would be best for my application. Can anyone provide an example?
Thanks in advance,