@ajb2k3 I’m afraid but I’m not the author of that post. But, I agree that it’s a well written one. Regarding device shadow, this is what I meant:
Posts made by kulmam92
RE: AWS IoT SDK support
RE: AWS IoT SDK support
@ajb2k3 Thank you for your effort and update. The flow that I have in mind is:
Core2(Greengrass client using aws IoT device SDK) -> RaspberryPi(Greengrass) -> AWS IoT Core
The reason that I want to use this is to demonstrate the features of the AWS Greengrass like:
- ML at the edge: core2 send image to RaspberryPi(Greengrass) and run ML like object detection.
- device shadow
- device defender
You may send message to RsapberryPi(Greengrass) via mqttclient like below but you can’t use device shadow or device defender.
I hope this give you a clear picture of what I’m trying to do.
RE: AWS IoT SDK support
@ajb2k3 FYI, the below are the closest attempts that I was able to find.
RE: AWS IoT SDK support
@ajb2k3 Did you have a chance to test out if there's any way to do this?
RE: AWS IoT Edukit Core M5 - Micropython support?
I was able to send data to AWS IoT Core using the below code. If you want to run this code from VScode + Pymakr, follow this guide: MicroPython: Program ESP32/ESP8266 using VS Code and Pymakr
import network from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient import time import sys import os import json # configure your wifi credentials WIFI_SSID = "<YOUR_WIFI_SSID_GOES_HERE>" WIFI_PASS = "<YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD_GOES_HERE>" # configure your iot credentials MQTT_ENDPOINT = "XXXXXX.iot.XXXXX.amazonaws.com" MQTT_PORT = 8883 MQTT_QOS = 0 # thing-id MQTT_CLIENT = "mycore2" THING_CLIENT_CERT = "/flash/res/core2-certificate.pem.crt" THING_PRIVATE_KEY = "/flash/res/core2-private.pem.key" # topic MQTT_TOPIC = "mycore2/env" MQTT_SUB_TOPIC = "mycore2/command" info = os.uname() def connect_to_wifi(ssid, password): sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not sta_if.isconnected(): sta_if.active(True) sta_if.connect(ssid, password) while not sta_if.isconnected(): pass ip_address = sta_if.ifconfig()[0] return ip_address def get_key(key_path): with open(key_path, "r") as f: key = f.read() return key def connect_to_mqtt(): print("CONNECTING TO MQTT BROKER...") global client client = MQTTClient( client_id=MQTT_CLIENT, server=MQTT_ENDPOINT, port=MQTT_PORT, keepalive=0, ssl=True, ssl_params={ "cert": get_key(THING_CLIENT_CERT), "key": get_key(THING_PRIVATE_KEY), "server_side": False } ) client.set_callback(subscription_call_back) try: client.connect() print("MQTT BROKER CONNECTION SUCCESSFUL") except Exception as e: print("MQTT CONNECTION FAILED: {}".format(e)) sys.exit() client.subscribe(MQTT_SUB_TOPIC) print("SUBSCRIBED TO TOPIC: {}".format(MQTT_SUB_TOPIC)) return def subscription_call_back(topic, msg): # confirm state update print("RECEIVING MESSAGE: {} FROM TOPIC: {}".format( msg.decode("utf-8"), topic.decode("utf-8"))) return def publish_message(topic, msg, qos=MQTT_QOS): client.publish( topic=topic, msg=msg, qos=qos) print("PUBLISHING MESSAGE: {} TO TOPIC: {}".format(msg, topic)) return # connect to wifi print("CONNECTING TO WIFI NETWORK") ip_address = connect_to_wifi(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS) print("CONNECTED SUCCESSFULLY") print("YOUR IP ADDRESS IS: {}".format(ip_address)) # connect to mqtt print("CONNECTING TO MQTT BROKER") connect_to_mqtt() print("SUBSCRIBED TO TOPIC") while True: client.check_msg() tf = power.getTempInAXP192() msg = str(json.dumps({ "client": MQTT_CLIENT, "device": { "uptime": time.ticks_ms(), "hardware": info[0], "firmware": info[2] }, "sensors": { "TempInAXP192": tf }, "status": "online", })) publish_message(MQTT_TOPIC, msg) time.sleep(5)
RE: AWS IoT SDK support
The sample(https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2/blob/main/samples/basic_discovery.py) uses below imports:
import time
import json
from concurrent.futures import Future
from awscrt import io
from awscrt.mqtt import QoS
from awsiot.greengrass_discovery import DiscoveryClient
from awsiot import mqtt_connection_builderIf you run that script on core2, you will get an error because concurrent, awscrt, and awsiot don't exist in the core2. It will be great if I can make those available from core2.
AWS IoT SDK support
Is there any way to install AWS IoT SDK to be able to use core2 as a greengrass client device?