I am plugging an AtomS3U into a USB port of my Windows 10 laptop and I want to have the AtomS3U emulate my microscope. To do that, I need to send and receive serial characters.
Completely new to the AtomS3U and UIFlow2, I have just recently managed to get my first progam into the AtomS3U and that works: able to change the colour of the internal LED.
Now, I want to be able to read and write data on the PCs USB (COM9) connector.
To test, I am successfully using Putty to talk to COM 9. (115200 baud, 8 data bits 1 stop bit, no parity) Flow control. I have tried with and without XON/XOFF.
I see Hello World messages from the Atoms3U showing that I have the correct COM port and that the AtomS3U is programmed and working. However when I type something I never see any data available message showing communication works from PC to Atom.
Why can I communicate in one direction only?