@haddock said in How to start dev om M5 Core2?:

@ajb2k3 Yeah. I saw the switch up in the middle. Block or Python. I understand that it is, i some way, possible to use clean code. It is great to see what code each graphic symbol creates. I will test it a few days more. I assume there is some way to use the tools on board the M5 but from compiled python code that I upload in the usual way. There is some form of operating system in the M5, I have seen.

No operating system. M5Stack devices have a modded version of Micropython which has the needed drivers built in where as mainstream micropython doesn't contain the drivers and needs them manually added.

Using mainstream Micropython makes for a cleaner, leaner, faster running system.

The catch is that you can't properly use Micropython in UIFlow as it doesn't save the code instead, you use an IDE like Thonny, MU, or VScode.