@teastain , Thanks for the info. I am at this for days, have been back and fort with supports@m5, this makes me feel terrible stupid for not able to get this HAT to work. I was expecting that by copying the example blocks, I would be able to get it to work. (very new to this.) There isn't any other options to select, except ENV under UNIT. Also, I have flip to micropython to cut/paste the code , then ran it on Thonny, it failed there, too; this also happen under Arduino (cut/paste) M5 example code for Arduino. I float the idea to the support@m5 that the HAT might be faulty but nothing from support@m5 on this defective HAT issue. I failed to mention that this is about the m5stickc plus. I hope the support@m5 will see this and come up with something to help me out. Or, anybody else out there that is able to help. Thanks again.
Best posts made by dididada
RE: ENV3 unit maybe not connect.
RE: Linux Uiflow keeps flipping the com port btwn tty04 and ttySB0
Ok, I am following with my post regarding the connection. First, I'd like to thank user 'ajb2k3' for trying to help. This is mainly user error, I saw the 'CONNECTING TO M5' flashing and the message just disappear' assuming that all was well and jump in to the mess. I wonder, what will it cost the system to have the 'CONNECTING TO M5' just hang in the loop, or issue a new message informing the users that he/she has not made a successful connection. I attribute it mainly to my carelessness. ASS U ME , always hurts.