It's a project template with added features. I started to make it easy for me to start new projects by just cloning that repo and editing the main.c file but ... ended up dumping in as many features I could. The end result is a kind of pseudo operating system for M5Stack (and ESP32 in general, as far as the support for other boards is included in the upstream repos: arduino-esp32 and loboris' micropython).
I started from Loboris' Micropython repo and included the Arduino libs for compatibility with the huge Arduino codebase; but It doesn't interact with Arduino IDE. My goal is to just being able to throw in arduino code and have it run without modifications.
It defaults on TomSuch's menu system and the apps I've found in this forum.
In this way we don't have to choose between arduino and micropython: we can have both running on the same device, disable one. or the other one, directly from the Kconfig menu. Or disable both and start from the scratch: it's just a matter of delete main/main.c and write a new app_main() function.
Currently is clunky and partly not functional but in the next hours/days I'll complete the planned features, as well as add some kind of hooks/callbacks for setup/loop functions: the idea is to have an 'arduino' folder where to place vanilla .ino files and have them run instead of the default menu/upython setup.