My env hat just arrived. Did some testing and guess what?

Same problem. "Env hat maybe not connect"

Env hat is working on a new stick that came with a band, does not work with another one from a previous batch.

In general my observation is as follows, with band far better quality, then without it... And I cannot accept that, that's not serious enough for my purposes, name using the sticks in teaching.

I can see that the additional board on that stick is soldered askew. Hilariously askew... I wonder which pin is broken, some, all? Where is the code that determines that "maybe not connect"?

So yeah, there are major quality problems. When it rains with these sticks, it pours. I mean defects.

Don't look for the problem in the users. We are not that dumb.

Still have to check each and every one of my sticks for a bunch of problems. That's time consuming, aggravated additionally by half baked tools... So disappointing, that I keep postponing that painful task, I am not a masochist.

Wanted to get impressed, but based on what I got, did not happen...