M5Stack with psRAM flash size
M5Stack with 4 MB psRAM is available for some time.
Is there any chance the version with 16 MB Flash will be available too ? The price difference between 4 MB and 16 MB Flash chips is minimal (< 1 US$ even in small quantities).
If used with MicroPython, larger Flash would be usefull If OTA firmware update is used and / or larger filesystem size is needed.Also, I couldn't find any info on pinout defferences (if any) and schematics.
hi, we will change the psram version into 16M FLASH/4M PSRAM in next batch, because it is near the chinese new year, many factory had closed, i hope it will come March. And for now, we can exchange a big one for you, do u need?
Thank you for the reply, it is a good news.
How (where) I could order the one with 16MB Flash ?
By the way, Is there a way to pay with PayPal (not possible on AliExpress) ?What about the pinout/schematics ?
I supose there must be some changes as, for example, gpios 16&17 (used by psRAM) cannot be exposed on expansion connector. -
u can order by jimmyLai@m5STack.com. the same price of the psram for u, PayPal is both okay, and the Gpio16/17 are used by PSRAM, so it is not available to use the serial2 when psram is running.