RF433R demodulation
Hello all, I've been trying to play around with an M5StickC and Cardputer with the RF433 modules, but so far the only code I've seen online that seems to work with the RF433R unit is:
This works, and displays the data in it's raw form graphically. Are there not any functions that can be called to get the data demodulated under, say, AM270/AM650 etc. Or is everyone that's using the unit just writing their own demodulation code?
Many thanks
CORRECTION: The code I was able to get working was from https://github.com/aat440hz/RF433-SignalTest-M5StickCPlus2/blob/main/RF433-SignalTest-M5StickCPlus2.ino , which displays the signal on the M5Stick.
I've since tried using the example from the M5Stack repo ( https://github.com/m5stack/M5Stack/blob/master/examples/Unit/RF433/RF433.ino ) have flashed the images to M5Core devices (one with '#define RF433RX' and one without, as per the instructions) but pressing the buttons doesn't do anything, and I'm not seeing anything displayed on serial for either device either.
I know both units work because I can flash firmware on other M5Stack modules (like the M5StickCPlus2) and send and receive RF.
Does the example on GitHub just not work?
Short video showing sending unit doing nothing with button presses: https://imgur.com/a/mcsAZFT