M5BurnerV3.0 "Timed out waiting for packet header" on Core 2
Whenever i try to burn UiFlow V1.9 or higher onto my Core2 it gets to either 82% or 100% then says "Fatal error: Timed out waiting for packet header" leaving my Core2 in an unusable state. Anybody know of a way to fix this. (This error does not show up on my other cores, StickCs, or Atoms)
What computer are you using?
@ajb2k3 Dell Latitude E7470 with a intel core i5-6300U processor, running Windows 10 x64
@hwtaro9 What port are you selecting in M5Burner?
What do you mean? Typically the Core2 shows up as COM8 and is connected to the side USB SS port.