Newbie at ALL. Be patient.
Hi all.
I just bought Core2 and StickC devices. I am using uiFlow/Block and its nice, I want to get better on programming.
Thanks for your help.Is Python the same on all devices? M2Core, StickC ....
What the best site to start learning Python used in M5stack devices?
Is there a way to use uiFlow/Blocky on regular ESP32 devices, like TTGo Display one.
Thanks, I am glad to be here. -
There are sever generic books on micropython and esp32 however my work in progress book is found here:
@ajb2k3 I downloaded your PDF. I can't access the micropython REPL. Is it meant to be available on M5 CoreInk?
- I tried baud date 115200 and 921600.
- my device is on /dev/ttyUSB0 (that's what I use for Arduino to program it).
- I tried
. They both appear blocked, never showing the REPL, even after trying Ctrl-A.
Try thonny but its normally USBtoUART and its CTRL+C
@ajb2k3 no, /dev/USBtoUART does not exist on my host. It is /dev/ttyUSB0. Tried thonny, not better than picocom or screen. I think the software is not the issue. Am I meant to have a specific firmware on the device for micropython to work?
have you installed the correct usb driver?
@ajb2k3 yes. I program it with Arduino, no problem.
Found my error. I had flashed the M5 with a program of my own using Arduino. Using the UI Flow firmware, I get the Micropython REPL no problem with
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200