After updating the devices to V6.2 UIflow still offers only 4.5 or beta and the pyb library is not available to access the UART for operating the SIM800L.
Any hints?
My first guess - don't mix German UIflow with English firmware but that was not the problem. The device stalls when trying to use either of the module commands PM2.5, Cellular, or Hardware->Power
thanks -
@efried if you want to use UART in UIFlow you could find the block in the Advanced category could you provide more detail? we not clearly the problem you said. which program are you used? the device salls? if you could share you code or block screenshot to here , will very helpful for us to find the proble . also the language seting don't effect the program.
This post is deleted! -
Nothing spectacular
either trials via module or the example do not work
what is the order to initiate GPRS transmition - upload to a server?
This second attempt throws name 'pyb' isn't defined
from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
from uiflow import *
import modulesetScreenColor(0x222222)
Driver for SIM800L module (using AT commands)
MIT License; Copyright (c) 2017 Jeffrey N. Magee
import math
kludge required because "ignore" parameter to decode not implemented
def convert_to_string(buf):
tt = buf.decode('utf-8').strip()
return tt
except UnicodeError:
tmp = bytearray(buf)
for i in range(len(tmp)):
if tmp[i]>127:
tmp[i] = ord('#')
return bytes(tmp).decode('utf-8').strip()class SIM800LError(Exception):
passdef check_result(errmsg,expected,res):
if not res:
res = 'None'
if not expected == res and not res == 'None':
raise SIM800LError('SIM800L Error {} {}'.format(errmsg,res))class SIM800L:
def __init__(self,uartno): # pos =1 or 2 depending on skin position self._uart = pyb.UART(uartno, 9600, read_buf_len=2048) self.incoming_action = None self.no_carrier_action = None self.clip_action = None self._clip = None self.msg_action = None self._msgid = 0 self.savbuf = None = '' self.credit_action = None def callback_incoming(self,action): self.incoming_action = action def callback_no_carrier(self,action): self.no_carrier_action = action def callback_clip(self,action): self.clip_action = action def callback_credit_action(self,action): self.credit_action = action def get_clip(self): return self._clip def callback_msg(self,action): self.msg_action = action def get_msgid(self): return self._msgid def command(self, cmdstr, lines=1, waitfor=500, msgtext=None): #flush input #print(cmdstr) while self._uart.any(): self._uart.readchar() self._uart.write(cmdstr) if msgtext: self._uart.write(msgtext) # if waitfor>1000: # pyb.delay(waitfor-1000) buf=self._uart.readline() #discard linefeed etc #print(buf) buf=self._uart.readline() #print(buf) if not buf: return None result = convert_to_string(buf) if lines>1: self.savbuf = '' for i in range(lines-1): buf=self._uart.readline() if not buf: return result #print(buf) buf = convert_to_string(buf) if not buf == '' and not buf == 'OK': self.savbuf += buf+'\n' return result def setup(self): self.command('ATE0\n') # command echo off self.command('AT+CRSL=99\n') # ringer level self.command('AT+CMIC=0,10\n') # microphone gain self.command('AT+CLIP=1\n') # caller line identification self.command('AT+CMGF=1\n') # plain text SMS self.command('AT+CALS=3,0\n') # set ringtone self.command('AT+CLTS=1\n') # enabke get local timestamp mode self.command('AT+CSCLK=0\n') # disable automatic sleep def wakechars(self): self._uart.write('AT\n') # will be ignored # pyb.delay(100) def sleep(self,n): self.command('AT+CSCLK={}\n'.format(n)) def sms_alert(self): self.command('AT+CALS=1,1\n') # set ringtone # pyb.delay(3000) self.command('AT+CALS=3,0\n') # set ringtone def call(self,numstr): self.command('ATD{};\n'.format(numstr)) def hangup(self): self.command('ATH\n') def answer(self): self.command('ATA\n') def set_volume(self,vol): if (vol>=0 and vol<=100): self.command('AT+CLVL={}\n'.format(vol)) def signal_strength(self): result = self.command('AT+CSQ\n',3) if result: params=result.split(',') if not params[0] == '': params2 = params[0].split(':') if params2[0]=='+CSQ': x = int(params2[1]) if not x == 99: return(math.floor(x/6+0.5)) return 0 def battery_charge(self): result = self.command('AT+CBC\n',3,1500) if result: params=result.split(',') if not params[0] == '': params2 = params[0].split(':') if params2[0]=='+CBC': return int(params[1]) return 0 def network_name(self): result = self.command('AT+COPS?\n',3) if result: params=result.split(',') if not params[0] == '': params2 = params[0].split(':') if params2[0]=='+COPS': if len(params)>2: names = params[2].split('"') if len(names)>1: return names[1] return '' def read_sms(self,id): result = self.command('AT+CMGR={}\n'.format(id),99) if result: params=result.split(',') if not params[0] == '': params2 = params[0].split(':') if params2[0]=='+CMGR': number = params[1].replace('"',' ').strip() date = params[3].replace('"',' ').strip() time = params[4].replace('"',' ').strip() return [number,date,time,self.savbuf] return None def send_sms(self,destno,msgtext): result = self.command('AT+CMGS="{}"\n'.format(destno),99,5000,msgtext+'\x1A') if result and result=='>' and self.savbuf: params = self.savbuf.split(':') if params[0]=='+CUSD' or params[0] == '+CMGS': return 'OK' return 'ERROR' def check_credit(self): self.command('AT+CUSD=1,"*100#"\n') def get_credit(self): return def delete_sms(self,id): self.command('AT+CMGD={}\n'.format(id),1) def date_time(self): result = self.command('AT+CCLK?\n',3) if result: if result[0:5] == "+CCLK": return result.split('"')[1] return '' def check_incoming(self): if self._uart.any(): buf=self._uart.readline() # print(buf) buf = convert_to_string(buf) params=buf.split(',') if params[0] == "RING": if self.incoming_action: self.incoming_action() elif params[0][0:5] == "+CLIP": params2 = params[0].split('"') self._clip = params2[1] if self.clip_action: self.clip_action() elif params[0][0:5] == "+CMTI": self._msgid = int(params[1]) if self.msg_action: self.msg_action() elif params[0][0:5] == "+CUSD": if len(params)>1: st = params[1].find('#') en = params[1].find('.',st) en = params[1].find('.',en+1) if st>0 and en>0: = '£'+params[1][st+1:en] if self.credit_action: self.credit_action() elif params[0] == "NO CARRIER": self.no_carrier_action() # http get command using gprs def http_get(self,url,apn=""): resp = None rstate = 0 proto, dummy, surl = url.split("/", 2) is_ssl = 0 if proto == "http:": is_ssl = 0 elif proto == "https:": is_ssl == 1 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported protocol: " + proto) try: # open bearer context res = self.command('AT+SAPBR=3,1,"Contype","GPRS"\n') check_result("SAPBR 1: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+SAPBR=3,1,"APN","{}"\n'.format(apn)) check_result("SAPBR 2: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+SAPBR=1,1\n',1,2000) check_result("SAPBR 3: ",'OK',res) # now do http request res = self.command('AT+HTTPINIT\n',1) check_result("HTTPINIT: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+HTTPPARA="CID",1\n') check_result("HTTPPARA 1: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+HTTPPARA="URL","{}"\n'.format(surl)) check_result("HTTPPARA 2: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+HTTPSSL={}\n'.format(is_ssl)) check_result("HTTPSSL: ",'OK',res) res = self.command('AT+HTTPACTION=0\n') check_result("HTTPACTION: ",'OK',res) for i in range(20): #limit wait to max 20 x readline timeout buf = self._uart.readline() if buf and not buf==b'\r\n': buf = convert_to_string(buf) #print(buf) prefix,retcode,bytes = buf.split(',') rstate = int(retcode) nbytes = int(bytes) break res = self.command('AT+HTTPREAD\n',1) buf = check_result("HTTPACTION: ",'+HTTPREAD: {}'.format(nbytes),res) if buf[-4:] == b'OK\r\n': # remove final OK if it was read buf = buf[:-4] resp = Response(buf) except SIM800LError as err: print(str(err)) self.command('AT+HTTPTERM\n',1) # terminate HTTP task self.command('AT+SAPBR=0,1\n',1) # close Bearer context return resp def test(self): r = self.http_get('') print(r.text)
class Response:
def __init__(self, buf, status = 200): self.encoding = "utf-8" self._cached = buf self.status = status def close(self): self._cached = None @property def content(self): return self._cached @property def text(self): return str(self.content, self.encoding) def json(self): import ujson return ujson.loads(self.content)
phone = SIM800L(1)