M5burner fail to open on MacOS. Use esptool to flash the uiflow_firmware.
M5burner has found compatible problems on Mac, as well as UIFlow desktop IDE. We appreciate the feedback from the users, and We apologize for the inconvenient. The R&D department team of M5Stack is now working on it. Before we have this problem fixed, if you have trouble downloading the firmware, you can use 'esptool'. Here are the steps:
1, Make sure you have 'esptool' installed on your Mac. Tutorial website:
https://github.com/espressif/esptool2, To check if have 'esptool' installed: type command esptool.py , in 'terminal'. If a display showed this, means it is installed.
3, Download uiflow-firmware: https://github.com/EeeeBin/UIFlow-Firmware , unzip.
4, At 'terminal' find directory locate directory to '.../UIFlow-Firmware-master/firmware_en'
5, Connect m5stack device via USB cable. Go inside the folder type in command ./flash.sh to start flahing
Can you also post this in the UIFLOW forum please.