HMI usb display for raspi/linux/windows
I'm new to the m5stack, and I'm wondering if it is possible for the m5stack to function as a usb display for the raspberry pi?
I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to find anything for the m5stack. The closest thing I've found is this example for the wio terminal, but it's not exactly compatible with the m5stack. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
It has been done by the Japanese members but I don’t know how. Have a look on
This is the project @ajb2k3 was referring to I haven't tried it yet but I have all the necessary gear now so I may give it a go if I get chance
While it's not exactly what I'm looking for since the wio terminal example is more of an external display, while the example you've linked is purely a tty display (excuse me if I'm using the wrong terminology here), it seems like a cool alternative as well.
How one would go about to program this is beyond me, but it'd be awesome if you were to be able to get it to work!