Color Sensor RGB Unit UI 1.3.2 (TCS3472) / R G B Data always on 0
My sensor only shows me the RAW data.
The values of R G B (single) are always 0.UI V1.3.2 / V 1.4.0
Contains a calibration table which is probably wrong:
- values smaller than 0 must be set to zero
If the calibration table matches the integration time of 154 MS. The Arduino example assumes 50 MS.
3 The module reacts logarithmically. So it should not be approximated with a 3rd degree function !
Could this be checked?
I would like to make an instruction video on my Youtube channel (UI Flow),
but I can't get any further.Alf
- values smaller than 0 must be set to zero
Contact me after 6pm GMT on Discord and I will see what I can do.