None of the Faces examples work
Is the Faces project a dead project?
None of the github examples for Faces compile. I just bought one off of amazon and noticed when compiling that I get "DDRC and PORTC not declared in this scope.
NONE of the variables in setup() are declared. As far as I can see with what limited experience I have, none of the examples follow standard "C" or Arduino standards.
How are these examples supposed to be compiled and is there another archive of examples where we can learn to master what looks like a wonderful, but unsupported tool?
Faces is the same with Core, and we will make some lessons on this.
@m5stack Thank you for responding, both here and in email.
I see that examples were added to github at Your timely response is most appreciated and those examples really do help!
Thank you!
Can you also provide examples that compile for Calculator and Gameboy faces as well?
@rickkalman The example is also for Calculator and Gameboy faces.
Thanks, I'll give those a try