Invert X or Y blocks needed.
Just testing out UIFlow with the joystick and noticed that when using this code
from m5stack import * from m5ui import * import units clear_bg(0x222222) joystick0 = units.Joystick(units.PORTA) btnA = M5Button(name="ButtonA", text="ButtonA", visibility=False) btnB = M5Button(name="ButtonB", text="ButtonB", visibility=False) btnC = M5Button(name="ButtonC", text="ButtonC", visibility=False) circle1 = M5Circle(159, 100, 15, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF) while True: circle1.setPosition((joystick0.X), (joystick0.Y)) wait(0.001)
X axis or Y axis needs inverting to correct direction. (this code is just the micropython code generated by blocky.)
Can we get a Inver X and Invert Y blocks added to the Joystick blocks please.
@heybin 我们可以加一个这样的block吗
sure, like joystick0.InverX and joystick0.InvertY
@heybin Yes, some simple blocks with a function like that.